North Dakota
North Dakota Broadcasters Association awards WDAY’s John Wheeler with Pioneer Award
FARGO — The North Dakota Broadcasters Affiliation has awarded WDAY Meteorologist John Wheeler its Pioneer Award.
Wheeler has been with WDAY and Discussion board Communications since 1985, when he arrived from Iowa. He stepped in after Dewey Bergquist retired. On the time, he was WDAY’s first full-time meteorologist.
Household, buddies and WDAY colleagues on Wednesday, Aug. 10, joined the NDBA luncheon the place Wheeler was honored, together with the late Bob Harris of KFGO, Bob Simmons of Simmons MultiMedia, and Cliff Naylor of KFYR-TV.
Members of the NDBA even obtained to see some video of John’s early days at WDAY. Expertise and hair shade have all modified a bit since then.