North Dakota

More than a crown: the sisterhood of Miss North Dakota



BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) – The Miss American organization is based on the four points of the crown: service, style, scholarships and success. But the Miss North Dakota organization has added a fifth point for sisterhood.

Newly crowned Miss North Dakota Sydney Helgeson says that sisterhood might just be the best part of the whole experience.

Sydney Helgeson has been dreaming of this moment since she was 11 years old. That’s when she entered her first pageant.

“I caught the bug,” she said with a laugh.


Helgeson has been competing ever since.

“I’ve been chasing this job to be Miss North Dakota,” Helgeson said.

What she didn’t realize back then, is that chasing this job would not only provide scholarships to pay for college but also confidence to tackle just about anything and friends that are more like sisters.

“A few of the girls I competed with this week I’ve been competing with since I was 11 years old,” she said.

That includes Lyndsey Scheurer and Carli Jordan.


“The friendships within this organization are really what’s going to carry on. You only get a title for a year. You only get to compete for a certain number of years. But you can have friendships for the next 80 years,” said Jordan, who finished in the top nine.

“The sisterhood aspect is really what brings me back every year,” added Scheurer, who won second runner up.

“We’re all really trying to empower each other and support each other. It’s really cool when you get to be friends and one girl gets to win and then you’re friends with Miss North Dakota. It’s a really cool sisterhood,” said Helgeson.

A sisterhood formed on this stage, and strengthened through shared experiences, creating a special bond that will last a lifetime.

Helgeson will compete for Miss America later this year. Scheurer and Jordan say they’ll be cheering her on. Both plan to compete for Miss North Dakota again. Helgeson says she’ll be their biggest cheerleader.


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