North Dakota

Letter: Sen. Braunberger spreads a false narrative



To the Editor,

I write in direct response to the

recent letter written by Sen. Braunberger,

in which misleading information and gaslighting were prevalent. It is disheartening to see such tactics employed, especially when discussing matters as crucial as education and the well-being of children.


One of the contentious topics raised by Sen. Braunberger involves the Democrats’ proposed allocation of $89.5 million to provide free meals to every student in North Dakota.

As Lyndon B. Johnson famously said about turning chicken manure into chicken salad, Republicans have accomplished precisely that by heeding the counsel of the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), rather than relying on a partisan trip to DC. Through this approach of fiscal responsibility and caring compassionate conservatism, Republicans determined that a budget of $6 million would satisfactorily support families with incomes up to 200% of the federal poverty level.

Further, Democrats did not present any strategies to improve teacher salaries. They failed to recognize that the obligation to compensate teachers does not fall within the purview of the state legislature. Teacher pay has not been significantly increased even though school boards across the state have mostly consisted of teacher union endorsed board members this past decade.

Sen. Braunberger also spreads a false narrative that the Republican Party is actively “making the crisis worse” in classrooms across the state. The gaslighting undermines the facts and reality of the situation:

Out of 187 studies conducted on school choice programs, a significant majority, 162 studies, have reported positive effects on various outcomes including test scores, safety, satisfaction, and racial integration. Additionally, a peer-reviewed meta-analysis concluded that competition resulting from private school choice generally leads to improved outcomes in public schools


Republicans are not only committed to creating a culture of excellence in our education system but they are doing just that.

Ethan Harsell
Grand Forks

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