North Dakota

India to lower tariffs on U.S. pulse crops



WASHINGTON (KUMV) – Trade officials between the United States and India say they plan on lowering tariffs over several products including U.S. pulse crops.

The announcement comes as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits the White House this week. Senator Steve Daines, R-MT, previously visited India in 2021 to showcase Montana pulse crops. He called the decision a big win for Montana growers.

“I am so glad to have played a role in helping further solidify such a strong market for Montana pulse crops and believe it will benefit our Montana farmers for years to come,” said Daines in a statement.

Montana and North Dakota are among the top producers of pulse crops in the country, which include lentils, chickpeas, and dried beans. India is the world’s top consumer, contributing to about 27 percent of total consumption.


In 2019, retaliatory tariffs were placed on U.S. pulse crops due to a change in federal trade policy.

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