
Nebraska celebrates National Beef Month



OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – Nationwide Beef Month kicks off right this moment celebrating and acknowledging American cattle ranchers.

“Most of our cattle come sort of North and West of right here, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota and Montana, and most of these are coming from bigger ranches,” says cattle rancher Ryan Loseke.

Ryan and his spouse, June, personal and function a farm with hundreds of head of cattle. Their granddaughter is seventh technology in Columbus.

“Beef demand in the USA has remained very regular. Clearly, it’s a operate of provide. And I believe that we now have an amazing tasting, very protected, very nutritious product,” says June Loseke.


That is June’s third yr sitting on the Nebraska Beef Council.

The Council sponsors analysis and promotes training surrounding beef within the world market, however June says understanding the scope of the cattle commodity begins with its influence right here in Nebraska.

“Viability of our communities and our small communities in Nebraska, trickle into Omaha, and cattle, I believe agricultural basically in Nebraska, makes these small cities worthwhile. And on the finish of the day, it makes Omaha, simply that rather more,” says June.

However earnings apart, sustainability within the cattle business has modified for the higher.

It’s one thing Ryan is happy with.


“I believe that’s one of many neat tales about cattle and ruminants, We will take cellulose or grass, and that’s the one farm animal I assume that may convert that into protein,” says Ryan.

To not point out the moral concerns of working a cattle farm. Ryan says antimicrobial use comes up quite a bit.

“Typically, many of the cattle don’t get antibiotics, however similar to people, they do get sick generally, and to me it’s a humane factor to manage antibiotics to them,” says Ryan.

Moreover, the Loseke’s have a nutritionist that formulates their rations, ensuring what the cattle are consuming is nutrient dense for them. There’s quite a bit that goes into the meat business in Nebraska, ensuring what’s in your plate is prepared for consumption.

“Due to what we’ve completed in the USA with beef high quality assurance, and I’ve no qualms if you go as much as the meat counter and buy beef, that we now have the most secure, most cost-effective, most nutrient-dense product on the meat counter,” says June.


“It’s enjoyable for me to load the cattle once they go to reap and simply to see the outcomes of our onerous work,” says Ryan.

It prices $1,500 to $1,600 for an 800-pound steer. That doesn’t embody feed prices or operational prices for the farm.

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