
“Right now, it’s a lot of talk”: Missouri Gov. Parson responds as KC Chiefs mull relocation



KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KFVS) – Governor Mike Parson isn’t yet concerned about reported attempts by Kansas lawmakers to lure the KC Chiefs to the Sunflower State.

“We’ll see what Kansas does if they do anything,” Parson told the bureau Thursday. “I’m not sure they’re going to do anything yet. You had the governor come out and say she thought financially, they weren’t in very good shape.”

Parson doesn’t hide his fandom of the back-to-back Super Bowl Championship team, even sporting a tattoo in the shape of Missouri, with the team’s signature red and gold colors.

The term-limited Republican added though, that the franchise is a business and must be treated like any other valuable, economic asset.


“This is big business, and we got to look at it that way,” Parson said. “We got to make sure that this is good for the people of the state of Missouri. We know the impact on the economy it has, and we know that’s for many years to come.”

While some lawmakers are urging the governor to call a special session to answer any legislation attempted by our western neighbors, Parson said he doesn’t think that action is necessary at this stage.

Still, with Parson’s final term in office ending in January, major decisions about the state’s relationship with the Chiefs, and the Kansas City Royals, will occur under the next governor’s tenure.

Below is a list of the responses the bureau received from the leading candidates of the major political parties or their campaigns.

Mike Kehoe, Lt. Governor, Republican:


“Missourians deserve a governor who will fight for jobs and economic growth while protecting taxpayers. Unlike his opponents, Mike Kehoe will not watch passively as other states poach our businesses. As governor, he will use every tool at his disposal to ensure Missouri is a state that welcomes investment, creates jobs, and spurs economic growth.”

Crystal Quade, House Minority Leader, Democrat:

“Any candidate for governor who claims they don’t care about the Arrowhead-sized hole losing the Chiefs would create is lying. We need to elect leaders who will work with the Chiefs to make sure all sides get a fair deal and keep our Super Bowl Champs playing football in Missouri for decades to come.”

Bill Eigel, State Senator, Republican:

“I’m confident that the Chiefs will make the right decision and remain in Missouri, but it won’t be because of taxpayer handouts for sports teams or stadiums on my watch. Government shouldn’t be in the business of picking winners and losers. I’m going to ensure Missouri is a place where all people can thrive.”


Mike Hamra, Business Owner, Democrat:

“Missourians take pride in being the home to the Chiefs. State leaders should explore every reasonable option to keep the chiefs in Missouri.”

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