
Missouri Democrats react to VP Harris campaign



SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (WGEM) – Democrats in Missouri are celebrating President Joe Biden’s decision to decline his party’s nomination for 2024.

After a robust message of appreciation to Biden for his unprecedented term, Missouri’s Democratic Party chair Russ Carnahan said discussions about where the state’s organization goes from here is the subject of immediate discussion.

“We have barely over 100 days left to the election, so we don’t have a lot of time to sit around and debate this, “Carnahan said. “[Kamala Harris] literally is in the poll position to do this. She said she wants to earn it.”

In terms of election messaging, gone are the complaints and worries about the Democratic candidate’s age – concerns that now rest solely on the shoulders of former president Donald Trump, who turned 78 last month. Trump will be the oldest presidential nominee in the republic’s history.


“It totally shatters that narrative, and is just a lightning bolt of energy,” Carnahan said.

On Monday, Missouri Democratic Party leaders held a meeting to discuss the organization’s position.

“It’s the first time we formally had a chance to get together as a delegation to talk about it,” Carnahan said prior to the meeting. “There’s been a lot of, you know, individual and small group conversations, but we wanted to get people together right away to have this conversation about how our delegation moves forward – and I’m pretty confident they’re going to want to do just that.”

Down-ballot candidates hope the national shakeup has an impact on voter turnout, even in states which have a strong voting record for Republicans.

“I think it’s a good move,” said Stephen Webber, a former state party chair and candidate for a state senate seat in Boone County. “I think that [Harris] running, is going to bring a lot of excitement and energy to the ticket. 105 days out, we needed some more excitement and energy. I think it’s gonna be a good thing for the Democratic party.”


Other Missouri Democrats weighed in, mostly throwing support behind the presumptive nominee, Harris.

“I think it’s the opportunity to bring a lot of younger voters, excite younger voters,” Seth Jarboe, Acting Chair, Boone County Democratic Party. “I think people are interested in seeing a different type of candidate, not what we’ve seen for the last four or eight years, but somebody different that has the ability to reach out to a wider range of individuals.”

Missouri’s Senate Democratic Leader, Sen. Doug Beck, D-St. Louis, endorsed Harris in a statement posted to social media.

“As a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, I am proud to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris to be our nominee,” Beck wrote. “Let’s go win!”

Gubernatorial candidate and House Minority Leader Crystal Quade, D-Springfield, released a statement Monday.


“The stakes of this election could not be higher- for Missouri and our nation,” Quade said. “I’m focused on running a race for Governor that focuses on investing in Missourians, restoring abortion rights, protecting access to birth control and IVF, and making Missouri a place that will thrive. I look forward to sharing the ticket with VP Harris who not only shares those values, but, like myself, has been on the front lines fighting for them.”

Voters decide the next president of the United States on Nov. 5.

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