Politics Friday: Changes are ahead on the Minnesota Supreme Court as one justice steps into retirement
After nearly 20 years on Minnesota’s Supreme Court, Justice G. Barry Anderson is retiring.
Anderson is the longest-tenured current justice and the last to have gained his seat through the appointment of a Republican governor.
Coming up Friday at noon, MPR News host Brian Bakst talks with Anderson about his time in the Minnesota Supreme Court, his career in the courtroom and his view on political pressures on the judiciary.
Later, a look at how the nation’s finances will factor into the 2024 election campaign with MPR News senior economics contributor Chris Farrell. We’ll also hear some sounds and voices from the Capitol this week, and some insight from members of our MPR News politics team.
Justice G. Barry Anderson is a member of the Minnesota Supreme Court. His term will end on May 10.
Chris Farrell is senior economics contributor at Marketplace, American Public Media’s nationally syndicated public radio business and economic programs. He’s also senior economics contributor at Minnesota Public Radio.
Ethan Struby is an assistant professor in the Department of Economics at Carleton College.
Chris Towner is the policy director for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget in Washington D.C.
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