
So, what gun control would have stopped the Kansas City shooting? – Washington Examiner



Now that we have more information about the two adults involved in the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade shooting, we can again see that all of the activists and politicians yelling for gun control are out of their depth.

President Joe Biden, Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas, and several sports media personalities were all quick to jump on the calls for gun control. They knew nothing about any of the suspects involved, nothing about what kind of guns they used or where they were acquired, or anything else. Their uneducated preening was dealt its first blow when the first two suspects arrested and charged were revealed to be juveniles, meaning there was already no legal way for them to own or acquire guns in the first place.

Since then, two adult suspects have been arrested, named, and charged. According to court documents, the man who began firing was Lyndell Mays, who just completed two years’ probation for disturbing the peace after pulling a gun outside a community center. The other man, Dominic Miller, pulled his gun after Mays had pulled his and began firing after Mays fired first.

And to top it all off, the firearm recovered from the scene near Mays was stolen.



As it stands, what grand gun control proposal would have done anything here? The guns used were handguns, so an “assault weapons” ban is out. What “expanded” or “universal” background check applies to stolen handguns? Maybe, maybe, you could find something that would have prevented Miller, who is 18, from possessing a gun, but it was Mays, with his stolen firearm, who began shooting first. So, where are we now?

This is yet another instance in the never-ending gun control debate of left-wing politicians and activists throwing their stale talking points onto a tragedy with no serious interest in preventing tragedies like it. They treat incidents such as the Kansas City shooting as notches in their gun control debate belt, ignoring the specifics to push their unrelated, ineffective policies, all while they shame people for daring to disagree. The only shame here belongs with them and their selfish partisan politics.

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