
Trump Unlocked a Whole New Level of Bullshitting in Iowa



Listen to this full episode of The New Abnormal on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon and Stitcher.

Bullshitting is an art, and according to the hosts of The New Abnormal politics podcast, Donald Trump proved he’s mastered it after they listened to a clip of him totally spewing nonsense in response to an Iowa voter’s question at an event in early July.

Specifically, the voter’s question was: “I’d like to know how you can help us in Iowa save our farmland from the CO2 pipeline?”

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To which the former president responded: “We’re working on that and you know, we had a plan to totally, uh, it’s such a ridiculous situation, isn’t it? But we had a plan and we would’ve instituted that plan and it was all ready, but, uh, if we win, that’s gonna be taken care of. That will be one of the easy things we do.”

“This is when you’re in school and the teacher assigns you a 500-word essay and so you just spend like 300 words bullshitting because you have no idea. ‘In this essay, I will’,” jokes co-host Andy Levy. “You just start throwing words in like solely to get the word count up. And that’s exactly what he’s doing. He does not have a clue what she’s [the voter is] talking about.”

He and co-host Danielle Moodie also respond to a few other wacky audio clips in this episode, including one of former Trump strategist Steve Bannon yelling about how great Donald Trump is and another of former Fox News star Megyn Kelly praising him.

“How these people will debase themselves for this man…‘Hes magnanimous, he is bigger than life,’ Danielle mimics. “He sure as fuck is, but not in the way you think.”

Then! Colin Dickey, author of the upcoming book Under the Eye of Power, walks Andy through the political impact of the country’s earliest conspiracy theories and secret societies.


Plus, he tells an anecdote of a moment in history when Americans became so enthralled and scared of the Illuminati that it literally influenced a presidential election. Even George Washington got involved.

Listen to this full episode of The New Abnormal on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon and Stitcher.

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