Indianapolis, IN

Biggest X-factors defining the Colts’ 2023 season



AP Photo/Zach Bolinger

Arguably the most important hire that Steichen had to make this offseason was who was going to coach his offensive line. It was in the middle of a six-hour interview with Tony Sprano Jr. that Steichen told himself, “This is gonna be the guy.”

Sparano Jr. has the task of fixing a unit that was once perceived as one of the best offensive lines across the NFL. As of now, the Colts are set to open the season with the same starting five that ended the 2022 season. Indianapolis is spending $53.3M on the offensive line for the 2023 season, which is the seventh most spent on offensive linemen across the NFL.

That accounts for 54% of the $97.8 million that they are currently spending on the offense for the year. If Steichen is going to get his offense up and running then he needs Sparano Jr. to get the most out of the heavily invested unit on the roster.


So far, it does sound like he’s having his voice heard from the veterans in the unit.

“He’s been awesome. From day one, he said the integrity of the offensive line room is paramount. That’s number one,” said center Ryan Kelly. “You can have the best schemes, you can have the best guys evaluating defenses, but if you’re not collectively five as one, that room is not a place you want to go and want to be at.’’

One of the leaders of the offense, Quenton Nelson, also showed him some praise this offseason.

“He’s great. You can tell he cares about the guys in the room,” Nelson said. “Nothing is like passed over, glossed over. Everything is very detail-oriented and explained really well to where you know exactly what he wants and exactly how to do it.’’

Only time will tell if Sparano Jr.’s coaching will pay off but if the offensive line gets back on track and plays to their level of talent then that can give the offense a catalyst to develop quickly under Steichen.


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