Southern Indiana readies for Thunder Over Louisville
JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. (WAVE) – Saturday will bring a big change to the typical crowd at Jeffersonville’s Upland Brewing Company.
Thunder Over Louisville spectators have already sold out the riverside patio and bar manager Allison Lyles said tickets for the outdoor beer garden may soon sell out too.
“Very busy day,” Lyles said. “Lots of fun stuff going on, good vibes all the way around.”
Lyles said a single day of Thunder Over Louisville means five times the normal sales. For public safety officials, the potential for 100,000 visitors means the end of a year’s worth of planning.
And 2024 brings a new wrinkle.
In Clarksville, construction currently makes parts of the waterfront inaccessible. On Riverside Drive there will be no access to Jeffersonville, even if you are walking.
“You’re not going to want to walk to Jeffersonville or Clarksville from either location on foot,” Assistant Clarksville Police Chief James Van Winkle said. “It’s going to be way out of your way. Best bet is to park in Jeff and go to Jeff or park in Clarksville if you want to go to Clarksville.”
Clarksville Police posted warnings and a map of alternatives to social media. The red and green lines show there are no easy detours, making a walk to the fireworks more of a hike.
More people may drive to Jeffersonville, park and then walk.
“As everyone probably knows, Clarksville is experiencing some growth and construction on Riverside Drive,” Jeffersonville Police Major Joshua Lynch said. “So, we anticipate that there’s going to be a larger foot crowd, pedestrian crowd on the pedestrian side. And that’s something we’ve taken into consideration in our planning.”
Both Jeffersonville and Clarksville Police have posted traffic and parking information including a list of road closures to their social media accounts.
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