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GOP committee sounds alarm on document it says 'confirms' fears about Biden agency's activities in key state



FIRST ON FOX: The House Committee on Small Business has released a “Memorandum of Understanding” between the Biden administration and the state of Michigan which it fears represents a potentially unconstitutional agreement that is aimed at registering voters in the key swing state with a political agenda in mind.

Biden’s Small Business Administration (SBA) announced a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in March with the Michigan Department of State to “promote civic engagement and voter registration in Michigan” that it called the “first-of-its-kind collaboration” that immediately raised questions from the committee.

The MOU, which has been uploaded to the Congressional Repository, outlines the coordination between Michigan and the Biden administration where the state will “provide the Agency access to training resources related to the online Michigan Voter Information Center (MVIC)” and “The Agency shall provide voter registration training to all personnel conducting activities under this MOA.

“This training shall include information on who is eligible to register to vote, the interactions during which Agency staff must make voter registration services available, instructions to Agency staff on how to refer individuals to register to vote online using MVIC, and an overview of additional information that is available to voters in MVIC,” the MOU continued.



A Republican-led committee has released a document they say shows the Biden administration improperly working to register voters in Michigan. (Getty Images)

The MOU also discusses how the Michigan Department of State would “create a unique URL for the SBA to use to drive online visitors to register to vote,” and that the SBA’s Michigan field office would allow state government officials to facilitate in-person voter registration at the federal agency’s business outreach events.

The committee told Fox News Digital that they released the documentation in the interest of “transparency” and after seeing the MOU, the committee’s previous concerns that the program is “unconstitutional” and an improper use of taxpayer funds were not assuaged.  

“Seeing the MOU with Michigan does nothing to ease our concerns about the SBA getting involved in federal elections,” Committee Chairman Roger Williams said. 

“In fact, this agreement confirms SBA employees are preparing to undergo trainings on how to best register voters rather than spend their time working to help struggling small businesses,” the chairman continued. “I encourage all Americans to look at this agreement and decide if this is how they want their tax dollars spent. The SBA must end all these electioneering activities on behalf of President Biden and get back to their sole mission of supporting the needs of Main Street.”


The committee, who has referred to the Michigan agreement as the state essentially serving as a “campaign arm” for Biden’s re-election, also released maps that overlay former SBA events, census data, Michigan Department of State data and publicly reported information of Democrat-targeted voter blocs which they say suggests possible areas that voter registration efforts will target when the effort is officially rolled out.


An investigation by the House Small Business Committee found that 22 out of 25 SBA outreach events from January to April have taken place in counties with the highest population of Democratic National Committee (DNC) target demographics.

Meanwhile, 11 of 15 Michigan counties that showed the largest voter registration increases over the last year have ranked highest in population of young voters and Black voters, according to the committee — two of the left’s most-sought voting blocs.

“SBA’s MOU with Michigan proves that the agency is more concerned with registering voters than performing its official duties,” Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, told Fox News Digital. 


“This outrageous misuse and abuse of Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars will not go unpunished under my watch. Chairman Williams and I will continue shining a light on the SBA and exposing Biden’s bad actors.”

The data for the maps was compiled after the committee says it became aware of a video recording of an SBA adviser discussing SBA Administrator Isabel Guzman traveling to battleground states and “indirectly campaigning for Biden,” according to the committee, and inviting Democratic members of Congress on the trips at a higher rate than Republicans.

“Today’s letter is a continuation of our Committee’s investigation into the SBA’s voter registration and electioneering efforts,” Williams said in a press release earlier this month. “The SBA has shown a serious lack of transparency regarding the travels of senior SBA officials, including Administrator Guzman. Main Street — and the American People — have a right to know what exactly is going on and how the SBA is spending their hard-earned tax dollars. I hope the SBA will be forthcoming with us and provide us with the requested documents as we continue our investigation into this matter.”


The coordination between the SBA and Michigan was sparked by a 2021 executive order from President Biden directing federal agencies to promote “access to voting,” which raised concerns from some that the administration is using the government agency to register votes in a swing state that many believe will be one of the states the November election hinges upon.


The House committee earlier this month subpoenaed SBA Chief of Staff Arthur Plews and his special adviser, Tyler Robinson, after they are said to have been no-shows at scheduled transcribed interviews with the committee.

Plews was scheduled to testify before the committee on Thursday but recently retained personal counsel, and the committee says they are negotiating a new time for him to meet with the committee to provide information on the program. 

Fox News Digital reached out to the SBA and the White House but did not receive a comment.

Fox News Digital’s Elizabeth Elkind and Charles Creitz contributed to this report


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Michigan's Newest Lakeside Inn Is Giving Gilmore Girls Traditional, But in the Midwest



Michigan's Newest Lakeside Inn Is Giving Gilmore Girls Traditional, But in the Midwest

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From dreamy decor to top-notch amenities, Domino’s “Wish You Were Here” series is your first-class ticket to the most design-driven getaways around the world. Whether you’re looking to steal away for a few days or just steal a few ideas for back home (we encourage both, for the record), check out where we’re checking in.

I was born and raised in the Midwest (specifically outside of Chicago), which means I spent summers exploring Lake Michigan’s shores for family vacations. So when I pulled up to the newly renovated Wickwood Inn in Saugatuck, Michigan, why did I feel like I was suddenly starring as an extra in an episode of Gilmore Girls?


Courtesy of Wickwood Inn

That magic is partly due to the charming town but also thanks to Martin Horner and Shea Soucie of Soucie Horner, their Chicago-based design firm, who bought the 1937 home two years ago and turned it into a modern inn befitting of Stars Hollow.

Vintage desk with four bird prints above

Courtesy of Wickwood Inn

Before the pair could make any cosmetic changes, they first had to consider the building’s history: Since the ’90s, the colonial structure was already a beloved inn run by adored cook Julee Rosso, author of The Silver Palate Cookbook. “When we bought the inn, we were very conscious of [Rosso’s popularity and returning guests], but we also had to make it our own,” Horner says. So instead of taking down walls and turning the 11-room property into a sleek Scandi hotel, they paid homage to the legendary former owner by working in details that were already there, like the art and furniture, which they reupholstered or repurposed. (The bathrooms however? Those were gutted and replaced with new tile and marble.) 

View into bathroom with blue vanity

Courtesy of Wickwood Inn
Wood paneled guest room with clawfoot tub in room

Courtesy of Wickwood Inn

The rest of the inn’s “jewelry,” as Horner calls it—like the bamboo bed frame in the room I stayed in—came from epic vintage shopping trips, Facebook Marketplace hauls, and even Horner and Soucie’s own homes. In fact, no two guest rooms are exactly the same other than the lighting, bedding, and Waterworks faucets. To further keep consistency, they went with a soothing, neutral Benjamin Moore paint palette. (Fan favorite White Dove was their go-to in most areas.) New Vispring mattresses appear in each guest room, too. 

Bamboo bed frame with white bedding and green pillow

Courtesy of Wickwood Inn

In the lobby and dining room, a fireplace and wood-paneled walls adorned with one of Rosso’s original tapestries, create cozy spaces in which to convene before a day spent exploring the area’s wineries and art galleries (prioritize Ox-Bow, trust me). Plus the backyard and screened-in gazebo are the perfect places to sip cocktails or indulge in the lobby’s complimentary chocolate chip cookies. 

Traditional-style room with lamp and chair

Courtesy of Wickwood Inn
Open shelving with bowls and fresh fruit and vegetables on counter

Courtesy of Wickwood Inn

The result almost feels delightfully non-Midwest, and certainly not beachy, even though the inn is just steps from the Kalamazoo River, where you can rent a candy-colored retro boat for an afternoon (highly recommend). Instead, the quiet luxury vibe paired with former Oprah Winfrey chef Rose Duong’s refined menu and the warm welcome from general manager Susan Michele make the whole experience decidedly Midwest. The only thing missing is Luke’s Diner.


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Minnesota’s fourth marijuana dispensary opens near Red Wing



Minnesota’s fourth marijuana dispensary opens near Red Wing

Cannabis dispensary opens an hour outside the Twin Cities


Cannabis dispensary opens an hour outside the Twin Cities



PRAIRIE ISLAND INDIAN COMMUNITY, Minn. — Minnesota’s fourth marijuana dispensary is now open just about an hour from the Twin Cities.

Island Pezi, which means “grass” in the Dakota language, is on Prairie Island Indian Community land in Welch, owned and operated by the tribal nation.

“Being able to diversify our economy and bring in other revenue sources for our community that relies on these type of businesses to have our government function is very important,” said Blake Johnson, the president of Prairie Island CBH Inc.

Johnson says the money made from the dispensary will go toward healthcare and education for the tribe.

The shop employs about three dozen people.


“We have a couple [tribe] members that have never had a job before,” Johnson said. “This opportunity gives them that, and they’re excited to be employed.”

The business has a quirk, though. The Prairie Island people don’t yet grow or cultivate marijuana on their own.

They’ve entered a unique business arrangement to stock their shelves. They buy flower from the White Earth Nation.

“Long time ago, tribes used to have intertribal agreements to trade goods,” Johnson said. “It helps support each other and be able to move in a way that is good for everybody.”

Minnesota’s Native American tribes have been first into this budding industry, and until the floodgates of competition eventually open, Johnson says they’re excited about being able to immediately supply Minnesotans.


Island Pezi will have a grand opening celebration on Saturday.

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Kehoe in fundraising lead in Missouri GOP governor’s race



Kehoe in fundraising lead in Missouri GOP governor’s race

MISSOURI – FOX 2 is following the money pouring into one of the top races in Missouri: the Republican primary for governor.

Campaign finance records with the Missouri Ethics Commission reveal Lt. Mike Kehoe taking a massive lead in fundraising.

Political consultants say it’s fueling his rise in polls, with the money almost as important as the message.

Kehoe had trailed the front-runner, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, by 15%, 20%, or more in polls over the past year.


Our Missouri Nexstar, The Hill, and Emerson College Poll this month shows Kehoe pulling within 3% of Ashcroft, which is within the margin of error.  

Ashcroft is touting an endorsement from former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee this month.

Third-place candidate in our poll, Missouri State Senator Bill Eigel of St. Charles County, just debuted his first TV ad Tuesday. 

However, Kehoe continues to win big in the fundraising derby.

Records show his “Citizens for Kehoe” campaign committee had $1.74 million on hand for the quarter ending in March, compared to $656,000 for Ashcroft’s campaign committee and $727,000 for Eigel’s committee.


Ashcroft has a huge edge in name recognition from his father, John Ashcroft, the former Missouri Governor, U.S. Senator, and U.S. Attorney General. 

Still, we’ve found fundraising gap is even more dramatic when it comes to the political action committees (PACs) supporting the three candidates.

The Committee for Liberty PAC, which supports Ashcroft, had $1.9 million on hand at the end of the quarter, taking in less than $61,000 so far in June. Its top donors in 2024 are California real estate developer Steven Craig, August Busch III, and Ashcroft’s mother, Janet.

Believe in Life and Liberty (BILL) PAC, which supports Eigel, had a little more than $1 million on hand at the end of the quarter but has raised $445,000 this month. Its top donors this year are St. Louis pro-life activist Joan Langenberg, Trial Lawyers for Justice of Montana and the Edelman-Thompson Law Firm of Kansas City.

American Dream PAC, which supports Kehoe, dwarfs the others, with $4.5 million on hand at the end of last quarter and more than $2 million raised so far this month.


St. Louis Political Financier Rex Sinquefield has donated $1.25 million to the PAC this year.   Herzog Rail and Highway Construction of St. Joseph, Mo., has donated $1 million, and Waycrosse Inc. of Minnesota, the investment arm of agribusiness giant Cargill, has kicked in $500,000. 

Kehoe contends that his lead among small donors tells the real story.

“The fact of the matter is we’ve outraised all seven other opponents in the Republican field by three to one with Missouri dollar donors, small dollar donors (under $2,825), people who say, ‘We like Mike’s message; we think his leadership skill fits what Missouri needs right now,’” he said.

Early absentee voting, with an excuse, began Tuesday. The August 6 primary is now six weeks away.


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