Detroit, MI

A Shabbat in Detroit



Here’s something you’ve not heard in a while. I recently enjoyed spending three-and-a-half glorious days in Detroit. The weather was in the 20s and 30s, but thankfully, there was no snow or wind.

If you watch TV news, you know that Detroit is often portrayed as a horrible place where you’re likely to be robbed and murdered, but not necessarily in that order. However, if you ask members of the local Jewish community, they might tell you differently. The people I spoke with were positive about living in The Motor City. Yes, Detroit has problems and crime, but they seem to feel that Detroit is trying to improve. It’s a reasonable place to live, and it has four seasons. 

Detroit has the largest Arab Muslim population outside the Middle East, and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) represents many of the Orthodox Jews there.  The people I spoke to are aware that the Arab Muslim community is not supportive of Jews. Still, they mentioned that they are not bothered by antisemitism (unlike in California where, just a few blocks from my home, “Death to the Jews,” was spray painted on a new apartment building). 

Some Detroiters told me they don’t even lock their doors. When I discovered which houses were unlocked, I considered robbing them but realized it was not Shabbosdik.  On the other hand, living in Los Angeles, I have gates on my doors and bars on my windows, and I’m considering purchasing an Israeli tank and howitzer for my front yard.


Some Detroiters told me they don’t even lock their doors. When I discovered which houses were unlocked, I considered robbing them but realized it was not Shabbosdik.  

I visited Detroit to perform at the banquet and honor my friend Rabbi Alon Tolwin, a teacher at Aish HaTorah who was retiring. Do Torah teachers ever truly retire?  Not the good ones like Rabbi Tolwin. 

I first met the rabbi over 30 years ago when he lived in Los Angeles, and although years have passed without us speaking, I always considered him a friend. I flew in on Thursday, and Rabbi Tolwin met me at the airport. 

Because we are Jews in our 70s, after a quick hello, we immediately delved into medical issues. He told me about his ailments, and I said, “Oh, I also have that.” I told him, “Next time I see you, bring your X-rays to compare.” It’s nice to bond. He believes his doctor is the greatest in the world. As Jackie Mason said, “Every Jew thinks he has the best doctor.” 

I stayed at the home of his son, Rabbi Simcha Tolwin, and his wife, Rebbetzin Estie, two amazing people. Because Alon was being honored on Sunday, people flew in for the banquet and stayed over Shabbat. So there were about 13 of us staying in the house. Orthodox women, especially the Rebbetzins, run the equivalent of a free bed and breakfast. It’s rare when someone isn’t staying over or having a Shabbat meal. 

The day before I arrived, Rabbi Simcha had just returned from his fourth or fifth trip to Israel since the war started. And yet, despite all that is going on in Israel and Gaza, and the antisemitism around the world, Jews are still able to celebrate Shabbat and be thankful to God.


Staying with a religious Jewish family over Shabbat is something I enjoy and consider a real privilege. I’ve stayed with families at least a dozen times and all over the world.  Rabbi Simcha and Estie were incredible hosts. 

Since I’m an annoying California vegan, Estie made me a vegan cholent and provided water challah. 

Rebbetzins are always reading something interesting. Estie lent me “Soul Construction” by Ruchi Koval, a book on character shaping and a handbook on becoming a better person. Should I take the hint? These people made me feel so comfortable; I felt like part of their family. 

Rabbi Simcha and Estie were busy organizing the yearly gala honoring his father. Putting a gala together requires a tremendous amount of work. Yet, there wasn’t much talk, if any, over Shabbat. It was Shabbat. There was great food, Torah study, synagogue, napping, children playing, and adults reading and talking. The conversation was both profound and very funny. It was a perfect Shabbat. I felt like I was in the presence of people doing God’s work.

Mark Schiff is a comedian, actor and writer, and hosts, along with Danny Lobell, the ‘We Think It’s Funny’ podcast. His new book is “Why Not? Lessons on Comedy, Courage and Chutzpah.”


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