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Indiana siblings add candy to empty bowl for trick-or-treaters: Video



HAMMOND, Ind. (WLS) — Siblings in Indiana, generously gave again to the trick-or-treaters who would come after them once they encountered an empty bowl on Halloween.

Camden and Macie Chesner had been trick-or-treating in Lowell once they realized the sweet bucket at a house was empty. Most children would stroll away, however Camden determined to do higher.

“I am gonna put some sweet in there,” he is heard saying on house doorbell video.

It was a courageous second for the large brother, who generously added some sweet along with his sister.

“I as soon as noticed one thing on YouTube and it was somebody giving somebody’s sweet bowl, like a teen took all of the sweet from it,” Camden mentioned. “So I used to be pondering it could be good too and in addition do this.”


The proprietor of the house the place it occurred shared the video with Hammond firefighters, who then got down to seek for Camden and Macie’s mom.

“It makes me really feel actually good, like I wasn’t actually even anticipating it,” their mom mentioned. “All day I used to be simply actually pleased with them.”

Residents are actually calling them “Halloween heroes,” so we questioned what they assume it means to be a hero.

“Somebody that, um, helps others and does something to assist anyone in want,” Camden mentioned.

“Serving to individuals once they get damage,” mentioned Macie. “And once they get damage I inform them to take a deep breath by means of their nostril and take a breath out by means of their mouth.”


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