
The Surprising Place You Should Store Bread So It Doesn’t Get Stale or Moldy



Have you ever made our Irish soda bread? Or maybe you’ve spoiled yourself with a fancy grain bread? No matter the loaf, you want it to last. And yet most of us aren’t storing our bread in the place that’s most likely to protect it from going stale prematurely and developing mold. It might sound obvious, but storing your bread in a kitchen drawer, albeit a specific kind of drawer, will preserve your bread and keep it fresher longer.

How to Store Bread

The USDA recommends eating bread within the first four days of purchasing it if you plan on storing it at room temperature. You can put it in the fridge or freezer so that the bread lasts longer, but those areas tend to already be crowded with groceries. A bread box could also work, but that takes up a ton of counter space (especially if you’re a kitchen gadget junkie).

Having a bread drawer can ensure that the loaf doesn’t go stale and maintains its soft, pillowy texture. Also, it’s a great hack to help keep your pantry organized. So, make most out of your bread’s lifespan by using this technique to store it better.

How to Make a Bread Drawer

Creating a bread drawer is as easy as buying a cover like Rev-A-Shelf (Buy at Walmart, $49.21) to slide on top of one of your existing kitchen drawers. Take it from home and lifestyle influencer Lisa Neeleman Wilson, who installed her bread drawer in 5 minutes.

Another thing to keep in mind when creating a bread drawer is where it’s going to be located. Instead of choosing just any drawer in your kitchen, Food and Wine recommends picking one that’s furthest away from any sources of excess heat or moisture like your oven and dishwasher. The ongoing rinse cycle or the heat from the stove can cause the bread to spoil more quickly.


We’ve all seen the not-so-pretty aftermath of bread that’s stored poorly or not used within a certain time frame. Mold can ruin a delicious loaf of sourdough or whole wheat and make it unsafe to eat. Even if you swear by trimming off the spoiled sections of the bread, eating mold can cause you to get sick, have an allergic reaction, and even give you respiratory problems. Not to mention it can also cause you to gain weight.

To avoid health risks and throwing your money in the trash, give this bread drawer method a try. It will free up counter space and give you peace of mind knowing that you won’t have stale bread lingering around your kitchen.

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