
Father’s Day 2023: 5 old approaches towards finance that should be left behind in the modern era



Father’s Day is a time to honor and appreciate the important role our fathers play in our lives. They have provided guidance, support, and life lessons that have shaped us into the individuals we are today.

When it comes to financial matters, our parents often serve as our earliest role models and teachers. However, as times change and new financial strategies emerge, it is essential to critically examine the lessons we learned from our fathers and consider whether they still hold true in today’s world.

As we celebrate Father’s Day, let us reflect on the finance lessons and approaches that may have been valuable in the past but should be left behind as we navigate our own financial journeys.

Relying solely on a single source of income

Many of our fathers grew up in a time when job security was higher, and it was common to spend an entire career with a single employer. As a result, they may have emphasized the importance of a stable job as the primary source of income.

However, in today’s dynamic and uncertain economy, relying solely on a single income stream can be risky. It is essential to diversify our sources of income, explore entrepreneurial opportunities, and invest in assets that generate passive income.


Avoiding risk and sticking to traditional investments

Traditionally, conservative investment options such as fixed deposits and government bonds were favored by our fathers. While these investments provide stability, they may not offer the potential for significant growth in the long run.

It is crucial to understand the importance of taking calculated risks and exploring a diverse range of investment opportunities. This may include investing in stocks, mutual funds, real estate, or even venturing into emerging sectors. By embracing calculated risks, we can capitalize on market opportunities and potentially achieve higher returns.

Neglecting financial education

Many fathers of previous generations believed that financial matters were best left to professionals or were simply too complex to understand fully. Consequently, they may not have prioritized financial education or actively sought to expand their financial knowledge.

However, in today’s digital age, information is readily available, and financial literacy is crucial. By actively educating ourselves about personal finance, budgeting, investing, and tax planning, we can make informed decisions, avoid scams, and take control of our financial well-being.

Failing to embrace technology and fintech solutions

Technology has revolutionized the financial industry, providing us with access to a wide range of fintech solutions. While our fathers may have relied on traditional banking methods and offline financial transactions, we now have the convenience of online banking, mobile payment apps, and robo-advisors.


Embracing technology allows us to manage our finances efficiently, track expenses, automate investments, and gain real-time insights into our financial health. By leveraging these tools, we can save time, reduce costs, and make smarter financial decisions.

Neglecting retirement planning and pension alternatives

Retirement planning is often overlooked by previous generations, who may have relied solely on pensions or government benefits. However, with increasing life expectancies and evolving retirement landscapes, it is vital to start planning and saving for retirement early.

Contributing to retirement accounts such as the National Pension Scheme (NPS) or employer-sponsored provident funds can provide a secure financial future. Additionally, exploring alternative retirement savings options like mutual funds or systematic investment plans (SIPs) can supplement pension income.

While we owe our fathers a debt of gratitude for the lessons they imparted, it is essential to adapt and evolve our financial strategies as we navigate the complexities of the modern world. By recognizing and learning from their mistakes, we can avoid falling into the same traps and take advantage of new opportunities.

It is recommended to first allocate money to savings every month before spending.  

First Published: 18 Jun 2023, 11:05 AM IST


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