
Sarma Melngailis and ‘Bad Vegan’: What you need to know



“Dangerous Vegan: Fame. Fraud. Fugitives” is a four-part documentary sequence that appears to be the following Netflix challenge that may have folks speaking and memes galore.

Here is what you have to know:

Who’s Sarma Melngailis?

The storyline is constructed round Meingallis, who Netflix describes as “the movie star restaurateur behind the glittering New York hotspot Pure Meals and Wine.” Meingallis “went from being the queen of vegan delicacies to being often known as the ‘Vegan Fugitive.’”


What’s she alleged to have carried out?

Melngallis is alleged to have stolen from her workers to finance the approach to life of her then husband, Anthony Strangis.

Based on an article in Vainness Honest, she “transferred greater than $1.6 million from her enterprise accounts to her private checking account, and Strangis spent $1.2 million of this cash at Connecticut casinos.”

How did it occur?

Strangis reportedly satisfied his spouse that if she continued to provide him cash, all of her needs would come true, together with making her beloved canine immortal.

Unable to pay her workers, the couple ultimately went on the run.


Did they get away with it?

When you do not already know, you’ll have to watch to see.

“Dangerous Vegan” is streaming now on Netflix.

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