Movie Reviews

Review: How online platform Letterboxd unifies all film lovers



Letterboxd made its first appearance in 2011 by co-founders Matthew Buchanan and Karl von Randow. Together with an eye-catching UI design, the ability to browse, review, and keep track of various films has attracted many users to the platform for years.

There are plenty of options displayed with one simple click into the app. Similar to a majority of social media websites, Letterboxd contains a home, search, activity, and profile tab, all of which are easily accessible. Most notable of these features would be the search tab; users are able to browse through a category of their liking, whether it be by the ‘most popular’ or ‘highest rated’ films. The various and endless amount of cinema these categories expose to its users has expanded, as well as refined, the tastes of many.

Of course, the ever-changing opinions of audiences bring us to an exciting aspect of the platform: reviews. Each film showcases its overall rating from its viewers along with a count of how many reviews have been made so far. People who are curious about the public opinion are given the opportunity to read an abundance of honest reviews and, additionally, make one of their own. Leaning into its social media traits, Letterboxd has also made it possible to engage and develop a bond with others by liking or replying to their reviews.

In my personal experience, Letterboxd has been an entertaining platform for all things cinema-related. Adding films to my watchlist and browsing through reviews during my moments of free time have deepened my connection to–and interest for–the film industry.

Letterboxd has steadily developed a unique community on its platform while simultaneously expanding the tastes and critic reception of its users overtime. If you’re looking for something to watch, people to engage with, or a place to let out your feelings on a movie, I highly recommend this app!


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