
Jessica Chastain used her Oscars speech to support the LGBTQ+ community



Chastain took up the mantle of Tammy Faye Bakker Messner, the late TV evangelist who would later develop into a champion for the LGBTQ+ group, saying “We’re confronted with discriminatory and bigoted laws that’s sweeping our nation, with the one purpose of additional dividing us.”

Many interpreted that to be a reference to Florida’s controversial “Do not Say Homosexual” invoice, which prohibits educating about gender identification and sexual orientation in some school rooms.

Chastain went on to say “the violence and hate crimes being perpetuated on harmless civilians everywhere in the world.”

“In occasions like this, I consider Tammy and I am impressed by her radical acts of affection,” Chastain stated. “I am impressed by her ardour. I see it as a tenet that leads us ahead, and it connects us all within the need that we wish to be accepted for who we’re, accepted for who we love, and to reside a life with out the worry of violence or terror.”

It was the primary Academy Award win for Chastain.

Messner died in 2007 following a greater than decade lengthy battle with most cancers. She was 65.


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