
Traders in dilemma over disclosing cryptocurrency as foreign asset



Thousands of cryptocurrency traders who have moved their virtual digital assets (VDAs) to wallets of offshore exchanges like Binance face a dilemma as they fill their Income tax return (ITR) forms in which for the first time VDAs find a mention.

They are unsure whether to disclose their ‘overseas’ crypto holdings. Does transferring the coins from a wallet in an Indian exchange to a digital purse offered by an overseas exchange makes the VDAs a ‘foreign asset’ in the eyes of the Income tax (I-T) authorities? If it does, then hiding the information would be a gross violation. However, if they disclose the VDAs (transferred through the blockchain network) as ‘foreign assets’, it may be later construed as a breach of the Foreign Exchange management Act (FEMA).

Simply because moving cryptos originally purchased in India to a wallet abroad can be interpreted as cross-border flow of currency in the garb of VDAs. And, reporting of any foreign asset without any matching remittance of currency through the banking channels could be questioned later.

No clear answers

Today no one knows whether cryptos from an Indian exchange to a foreign wallet is a kosher transaction under the stringent foreign exchange regulations.


“Whether cryptocurrencies are assets at all, and if these are, are the cryptos in India or outside…these are burning questions without clear answers. However, reporting of foreign assets in the tax return form is to be considered from a disclosure perspective and not as a balance sheet reproduction,” said Rutvik Sanghvi, Partner at the CA firm Rashmin Sanghvi & Associates.

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A taxpayer has to report ‘income from transfer of VDAs’ in the ITR, requiring him to pay tax on the money he makes from a crypto sale. While there is no explicit provision for disclosing VDA assets, many professionals think it should be reported.

So, a person holding Bitcoins in a Binance wallet should ideally disclose the VDAs as part of her overall assets (AL or asset-liability Schedule) as well as report them as ‘other assets’ under the Foreign Asset (FA) Schedule in the ITR form.

“On a conservative basis, cryptocurrencies held in a wallet operated by a foreign company, as well as those purchased through the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) route, should be reported under Schedule FA to avoid penal consequences. With amendments in the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) and development of the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework, information on these ‘assets’ will be available with the Indian Government sooner if not later,” say Sanghvi and fellow CAs Kartik Badiani and Mahesh Nayak in “Disclosure of Foreign Assets and Incomes”, a book jointly authored by them and published by the Bombay Chartered Accountants Society.

Till banks clamped down on the use of LRS for buying cryptos abroad, many resident individuals (who are allowed to remit upto $250,000 a year under LRS for acquiring certain capital assets) used the route to transfer funds overseas to buy cryptos. They are in the clear and may probably disclose their crypto holdings in the AL and FA schedules of the ITR if their total income exceeds Rs50 lakh.

FEMA a lesser evil than BMA


However, over the past two years as more and more banks in India blocked payments for crypto deals, many traders shifted their coins in wallets of foreign exchanges. Such asseesses today face the predicament over disclosing the coin holdings with overseas exchange wallets. But, a large number of practitioners believe that even if such transfers were a transgression of FEMA, disclosing them could mean less trouble.

“Violation of FEMA, though serious, is still better than defaulting under Black Money Act. It is advisable to report all foreign assets as the Black Money Act is in itself very draconian and punitive. Moreover, there is always a threat of the BMA order being shared with the Enforcement Directorate,” said Amit Maheshwari, partner at AKM Global, a tax and consulting firm.
Unlike overseas banks which share data of accounts of Indians, crypto exchanges are yet to part with similar information about traders. But that may change in the coming years as governments and central banks discuss ways to strip crypto deals of their anonymity to track the flows of coins and their beneficiaries.

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