
Republicans Wrongly Blame Biden for Rising Gas Prices



WASHINGTON — As fuel costs hit a excessive this week, prime Republican lawmakers took to the airwaves and the flooring of Congress with deceptive claims that pinned the blame on President Biden and his vitality insurance policies.

Mr. Biden warned that his ban on imports of Russian oil, fuel and coal, introduced on Tuesday as a response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, would trigger fuel costs to rise additional. Excessive prices are anticipated to final so long as the confrontation does.

Whereas Republican lawmakers supported the ban, they asserted that the ache on the pump lengthy preceded the struggle in Ukraine. Gasoline worth hikes, they stated, had been the results of Mr. Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, the short-term halt on new drilling leases on public lands and the surrendering of “vitality independence” — all incorrect assertions.

Right here’s a truth test of their claims.

What Was Mentioned


“This administration desires to ramp up vitality imports from Iran and Venezuela. That’s the world’s largest state sponsor of terror and a thuggish South America dictator, respectively. They’d slightly purchase from these individuals than purchase from Texas, Alaska and Pennsylvania.”
— Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the minority chief, in a speech on Tuesday

“Democrats wish to blame surging costs on Russia. However the fact is, their out-of-touch insurance policies are why we’re right here within the first place. Bear in mind what occurred on Day 1 with one-party rule? The president canceled the Keystone pipeline, after which he stopped new oil and fuel leases on federal lands and waters.”
— Consultant Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California and the minority chief, in a speech on Tuesday

“Within the 4 years of the Trump-Pence administration, we achieved vitality independence for the primary time in 70 years. We had been a internet exporter of vitality. However from very early on, with killing the Keystone pipeline, taking federal lands off the record for exploration, sidelining leases for oil and pure fuel — as soon as once more, earlier than Ukraine ever occurred, we noticed rising gasoline costs.”
— Former Vice President Mike Pence in an interview on Fox Enterprise on Tuesday

These claims are deceptive. The first purpose for rising fuel costs over the previous 12 months is the coronavirus pandemic and its disruptions to international provide and demand.

“Covid modified the sport, not President Biden,” stated Patrick De Haan, the pinnacle of petroleum evaluation for GasBuddy, which tracks gasoline costs. “U.S. oil manufacturing fell within the final eight months of President Trump’s tenure. Is that his fault? No.”


“The pandemic introduced us to our knees,” Mr. De Haan added.

Within the early months of 2020, when the virus took maintain, demand for oil dried up and costs plummeted, with the benchmark worth for crude oil in america falling to damaging $37.63 that April. In response, producers in america and around the globe started reducing output.

As pandemic restrictions loosened worldwide and economies recovered, demand outpaced provide. That was “principally attributable” to the choice by OPEC Plus, an alliance of oil-producing nations that controls about half the world’s provide, to restrict will increase in manufacturing, based on the U.S. Power Info Administration. Home manufacturing additionally stays beneath prepandemic ranges, as capital spending declined and traders remained reluctant to supply financing to the oil trade.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has solely compounded the problems.

“If you throw a struggle on prime of this, that is presumably the worst escalation you’ll be able to have of this,” stated Abhiram Rajendran, the pinnacle of oil market analysis at Power Intelligence, an vitality info firm. “You’re actually pouring gasoline on basic inflationary stress.”


These elements are largely out of Mr. Biden’s management, consultants agreed, although they stated he had not precisely despatched constructive alerts to the oil and fuel trade and its traders by vowing to scale back emissions and fossil gas reliance.

Mr. De Haan stated the Biden administration was “clearly much less pleasant” to the trade, which can have not directly affected investor attitudes. However general, he stated, that stance has performed a “very, very small position pushing fuel costs up.”

Mr. Rajendran stated the Biden administration had emphasised local weather change points whereas paying lip service to vitality safety.

“There was a reasonably stark miscalculation of the quantity of provide we would want to maintain vitality costs at inexpensive ranges,” he stated. “It was taken with no consideration. There was an excessive amount of give attention to the vitality transition.”

However presidents, Mr. Rajendran stated, “have little or no affect on short-term provide.”


“The important thing relationship to observe is between firms and traders,” he stated.

It’s true that the Biden administration is in talks with Venezuela and Iran over their oil provides. However the administration can also be urging American firms to ramp up manufacturing — to the dismay of local weather change activists and opposite to Republican lawmakers’ strategies that the White Home is intent on handcuffing home producers.

Talking earlier than the Nationwide Petroleum Council in December, Jennifer M. Granholm, the vitality secretary, instructed oil firms to “please reap the benefits of the leases that you’ve, rent staff, get your rig depend up.”

The notion that america gained “vitality independence” below Mr. Trump, and reversed course below Mr. Biden, can also be deceptive.

Even earlier than Mr. Trump took workplace, america had been projected to turn into a internet vitality exporter within the 2020s “as a result of favorable geology and technological developments outcome within the manufacturing of oil and pure fuel at decrease prices,” based on the Power Info Administration.

The nation turned a internet exporter of petroleum in 2020, the primary time since no less than 1949. That remained the case in 2021. It turned a internet exporter of pure fuel in 2018 and stays so in the present day, with exports reaching file ranges in 2021.


The time period “vitality independence” can even counsel that america didn’t rely in any respect on imports. That, too, is unfaithful. In 2020, america nonetheless imported 7.9 million barrels of crude oil and different petroleum merchandise a day.

Furthermore, the particular insurance policies cited by Republican lawmakers as proof of Mr. Biden’s supposed “struggle on American vitality” have had little affect on rising fuel costs.

The Keystone XL pipeline, which might have expanded an present system transporting oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast, has been a political and environmental battleground since its conception in 2008. The Obama administration denied the corporate behind it, TransCanada, a development allow in 2015. The Trump administration accredited the allow in 2017, however the challenge stalled within the face of litigation. By the point Mr. Biden rescinded its allow on his first day in workplace, simply 8 p.c of it had been constructed.

Even when Mr. Biden had greenlighted the challenge and TransCanada, now often known as TC Power, had received its court docket battles, it’s unlikely that the pipeline would have been operational in the present day on condition that the corporate estimated in March 2020 that it might have entered into service in 2023. And “even when it had been accomplished in a single day, there’s no capability for oil to be put into this pipeline,” Mr. De Haan stated, pointing to provide chain points and labor shortages that proceed to have an effect on American and Canadian oil and fuel producers.

Absent the Keystone XL pipeline, crude oil imports from Canada have nonetheless elevated by 70 p.c since 2008, transported by different pipelines and rail. The Trump administration itself instructed PolitiFact in 2017 that the pipeline’s affect on costs on the pump “could be minimal.”


The claims about oil and fuel leases are much more incorrect.

Although Mr. Biden quickly halted new drilling leases on federal lands in January 2021, a federal choose blocked that transfer final June. In its first 12 months, the Biden administration truly accredited 34 p.c extra of those permits than the Trump administration did in its first 12 months, based on federal information compiled by the Middle for Organic Range, an environmental group.

“None of those permits are related to manufacturing proper now,” Mr. Rajendran stated. “These permits are for manufacturing three, 4 years down the road. If they’d accredited 10 occasions as many permits, we’d have the identical manufacturing points.”

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