
Column: Does AI mean the four-day workweek — and its happy companion, the three-day weekend — is almost here?



I’d prefer to work 4 days every week as an alternative of 5. Wouldn’t you?

I’d take Fridays off. The best way I think about it, it’d be just some years from now. A robotic in a butler’s uniform would serve us drinks within the yard on what was once simply one other workday. I’d toss a ball round with the children whereas ChatGPT did their homework for them.

Who says the world goes to hell and the longer term is bleak? Synthetic intelligence, superior robotics and job automation maintain out the hope of much less work, extra leisure and lengthy weekends each weekend.

Opinion Columnist

Nicholas Goldberg


Nicholas Goldberg served 11 years as editor of the editorial web page and is a former editor of the Op-Ed web page and Sunday Opinion part.

That’s the view, anyway, of Christopher Pissarides, who was awarded a Nobel Prize in economics and believes that due to AI and automation, society “might transfer to a four-day week simply.”

He mentioned it in an article that appeared within the L.A. Occasions final week.


“They might take away a whole lot of boring issues that we do at work … after which go away solely the fascinating stuff to human beings,” he added.

Pissarides has written that automation will get a “unhealthy rap” and that we should always “embrace AI and automation with out hesitation” whereas serving to employees make the transition to the brand new economic system.

It’d be nice if he’s proper that productiveness positive aspects and will increase in effectivity shall be reinvested, spurring new improvements, creating new jobs and industries, and driving financial development as older, much less productive jobs are changed with “extra superior occupations” and all of us get Fridays off with no lower in pay.

However I’m skeptical that it’ll occur simply.

I understand it’s presumptuous of me to query the optimism of a Nobel Prize winner, particularly provided that I didn’t achieve this good in “Intro to Economics” 45 years in the past.


However, with all due respect, rely me amongst those that ponder whether the monetary advantages of automation will actually be put to make use of bettering employees’ well-being — or whether or not they’ll simply feed greater income for shareholders and heftier bonuses for executives, thereby exacerbating earnings inequality.

Rely me amongst those that fear that employers will work arduous to seize many of the financial savings for themselves until society forces them to not.

Automation, of 1 kind or one other, is as outdated as people are, and worry of shedding jobs to machines goes again not less than to the textile mills of the Industrial Revolution. Many people discovered in class concerning the Luddites, a secret group of disaffected early nineteenth century English mill employees who went round destroying automated looms and different newfangled equipment they feared would eradicate their jobs or worsen labor situations.

As of late automation is shifting quicker than ever. A Goldman Sachs report launched final month mentioned 300 million jobs worldwide could possibly be “impacted” or “disrupted” due to generative AI alone. A report by the McKinsey World Institute decided that as much as half the roles individuals do on the earth might theoretically be automated.

Already, salespeople are disappearing at my native Ceremony-Support due to self-service checkout machines. Parking storage attendants can hardly be discovered due to computerized gates, ticket-dispensing machines and self-paying kiosks. At airports, boarding passes are disbursed by machines. Baggage handlers are being displaced by robots, immigration officers by facial recognition know-how.


And do we expect these employees are all off having fun with three-day weekends?

With the extraordinary improvements in AI, automation could quickly transfer past blue-collar and less-skilled employees, more and more affecting so-called “data employees” with school educations. Who’s in danger? Suppose software program engineers, tax preparers, copy editors and paralegals. For starters.

Many economists share Pissarides’ optimistic view. They observe that, traditionally, when automation has eradicated jobs, new ones offset the losses. Productiveness positive aspects drive down costs, which drives up spending and creates jobs. And innovation itself requires employees: Though we not make use of blacksmiths, we’ve received auto mechanics, photo voltaic panel installers and airline pilots.

One Massachusetts Institute of Expertise examine discovered that greater than 60% of jobs within the U.S. in 2018 hadn’t been invented in 1940.

Moreover, robots can do jobs which can be undesirable or extremely harmful or require superhuman energy and stamina. In lots of instances, robots are quicker, stronger, extra correct and extra environment friendly than individuals.


So there are undoubtedly advantages to automation. However the problem is to make sure they’re unfold round.

MIT economist Daron Acemoglu says that over the past 4 many years, jobs misplaced to automation have not been changed by an equal variety of new ones. Because the late Eighties, he says, automation has elevated earnings inequality somewhat than elevating all boats.

The actual beneficiaries of automation throughout that interval? Firms, their house owners and in some instances employees with very excessive ability ranges, particularly these with postgraduate levels.

“The case that employees will profit from mass-scale automation is fairly weak,” Acemoglu instructed me. “The proof signifies that the productiveness positive aspects from automation of the final 4 many years have been largely captured by corporations and managers.”

Now I’m not suggesting we should always — or might — cease innovation or halt progress.


However to mitigate the large disruption, the transition can’t be left solely to the caprice of employers. Automation’s advantages should not merely be dispatched straight into the pockets of the Jeff Bezoses and Elon Musks of the world.

Pissarides urges the federal government to supply earnings and job-transition help to employees.

Harry J. Holzer, a public coverage professor at Georgetown College, requires tax incentives and subsidies for “good job” creation. Okay-12 training, he says, needs to be retooled to organize twenty first century employees with the communication expertise, essential considering skills, creativity and logic that shall be priceless and marketable within the new economic system.

Too typically in historical past, society has left employees to fend for themselves in instances of dramatic financial change. Is authorities dedicated, this time, to making sure it doesn’t occur once more?

Like everybody else, I’m anticipating my four-day workweek.


However I don’t child myself that it’ll occur by itself due to the generosity of the modern-day mill house owners. It’ll take a struggle.



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