
Video: Biden and Netanyahu Meet on Sidelines of U.N. General Assembly



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Biden and Netanyahu Meet on Sidelines of U.N. General Assembly

The meeting between President Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel at a New York City hotel, and not the White House, served as a reminder that their relationship remains thorny.

“Today we’re going to discuss some of the hard issues, and that is upholding democratic values that lie at the heart of our partnership, including checks and balances in our systems, and preserving the path to a negotiated two-state solution and ensuring that Iran never, never acquires a nuclear weapon. Because even where we have some differences, my commitment to Israel, as you know, is ironclad. I think without Israel, there’s not a Jew in the world that’s secure. I think Israel is essential.” “I want to reassert here before you, Mr. President, that one thing is certain and one thing will never change, and that is Israel’s commitment to democracy. We will continue to uphold the values that both our proud democracies cherish. And I think that working together we’ll realize the promise, roll back the dangers and bring a better future for our region and the world. We can make history.”


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