
UK leader reverses decision not to attend UN climate talks



LONDON (AP) — U.Okay. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Wednesday reversed an earlier determination to not attend the U.N. local weather summit in Egypt.

Sunak’s workplace beforehand stated he needed to skip the talks, which begin on Sunday, due to “urgent home commitments,” together with the closely-watched authorities price range assertion, anticipated to be introduced on Nov. 17.

However Sunak tweeted Wednesday that he would attend the two-week gathering as a result of “there isn’t a long-term prosperity with out motion on local weather change.”

“There is no such thing as a power safety with out investing in renewables,” he wrote.

Sunak’s earlier determination to skip the talks had been criticized by many, together with local weather adviser Alok Sharma.


The U.Okay. at present holds the presidency of the Convention of the Events (COP) and hosted the local weather summit final yr in Glasgow, Scotland.

Inexperienced Celebration lawmaker Caroline Lucas stated Sunak’s U-turn was “an embarrassing misstep on the world stage.”

“Let this be a lesson to him — local weather management issues,” she tweeted.


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