
Fake Euronews video about ‘Russian art auction’ spreads online



A pretend video is circulating on-line claiming to point out a Euronews report a few Russian artwork public sale amid the Ukraine struggle.

The video has not been produced or revealed by Euronews and no such public sale is because of happen.

Within the 67-second video, it’s falsely claimed that “a novel public sale of Russian artwork” will happen in Germany to assist Kyiv.

The clip falsely alleges that Public sale home Bolland & Marotz is inviting artwork collectors to donate work by Russian artists or manuscripts from Russian composers.

It falsely claims that the works will then be “publicly destroyed” and the proceeds supposedly donated to Ukraine’s navy.


One model of the pretend video on Telegram has been watched greater than 530,000 occasions.

Euronews has confirmed that the video is “pretend” and has been digitally altered to make use of Euronews font, graphics, and insignia, with out permission. No such video will be discovered on the Euronews web site or social media channels.

“A pretend video has been shared on-line that seems to point out a Euronews report on an public sale of Russian artwork. Euronews didn’t produce nor publish this video,” a press release learn.

“Our graphics and format have been used with out Euronews’ consent. We’re taking steps to have it deleted from all platforms and actively investigating the place this pretend video comes from.”

The Bremen-based public sale home, Bolland & Marotz, have additionally confirmed that the alleged public sale video is “a forgery”.


“A video has been circulating on the web and social media linking the title Bolland & Marotz to an public sale of Russian artwork and antiques,” a press release reads.

“This video is a pretend, a forgery. Such an public sale doesn’t and can by no means happen. We distance ourselves from such evil machinations and are outraged and shocked that our title is misused for that.

“A lot worse, this video offends anybody related to Russian in addition to orthodox artwork and tradition. It goes towards our philosophy of valuing and preserving artwork.”

“We’re at present contemplating authorized motion towards the creation and distribution of this video.”

In a number of European international locations, occasions, exhibitions, and performances that includes Russian artists and cultural figures have been restricted or cancelled following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


Euronews has spoken to a number of specialists about the arguments for and towards “cancelling” Russian tradition amid the struggle.

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