
EU countries set to endorse Ukraine as a candidate to join the bloc



EU leaders are extensively anticipated to endorse Ukraine as a candidate nation to affix the European Union.

Whereas principally symbolic, the standing represents a surprising geopolitical victory for the war-torn nation, who till earlier this yr was by no means thought-about a severe contender to enter the 27-strong bloc. It is usually seen as a rebuttal to Russia’s coercive try and reinstate its misplaced sphere of affect.

It is set to materialise in a two-day summit in Brussels, the place the battle, the meals disaster, hovering inflation and Europe’s safety structure are set to high the agenda.

The high-level assembly comes every week after a joint journey to Kyiv by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi. The three leaders, talking on behalf of the EU’s three largest economies, delivered an unmistakable “sure” to granting the candidate standing.

The next day, the European Fee revealed a optimistic opinion on Ukraine’s utility, whereas placing ahead a collection of reforms and measures the nation must undertake by the top of this yr, together with within the fields of corruption, cash laundering and media freedom.


The 2 elements prompted a flurry of public help for Ukraine’s bid. Nations that had been till then thought-about sceptical about granting candidate standing, like Denmark, the Netherlands and Portugal, confirmed their intention to again the transfer, all however sealing the deal.

The EU’s accession course of is determined by the unanimity of all member states.

A gathering of EU ambassadors earlier this week revealed no opposition to the transfer. Clément Beaune, France’s minister for European affairs, stated there was “whole consensus” to grant candidate standing.

Leaders are additionally anticipated to endorse Moldova as a candidate nation, whereas Georgia might be saved on the ready listing till it undergoes essential reforms to make sure its political stability.

“The progress of every nation in the direction of the European Union will rely by itself benefit in assembly the Copenhagen standards, together with the EU’s capability to soak up new members,” reads an early draft of the summit’s conclusions, obtained by Euronews.


Later this yr, the Fee will report again to the European Council on whether or not the reforms set out for the three international locations have been met.

Leaders will even contact upon enlargement once they meet with the six leaders of the Western Balkans – Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo –, who’ve repeatedly complained concerning the sluggish tempo of European integration within the area.

“The Balkans come to Brussels with frustration,” admitted a EU official, talking on situation of anonymity.

Bulgaria has blocked the beginning of accession talks with North Macedonia, which is coupled with Albania’s file, over historic and linguistic disagreements. An try by Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov to raise the veto provoked the collapse of the ruling coalition, throwing the method into disarray.

Kaliningrad standoff

Apart from the controversy round Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, the European Council will talk about on Thursday the most recent developments on the battle, which after 4 months reveals no indicators of abating.


“A peace settlement isn’t imminent,” stated one other EU official.

Among the many most urgent challenges is the meals disaster triggered by Russia’s blockade of the Black Sea.

The worldwide neighborhood is speeding to launch over 20 million tonnes of grain earlier than famine sweeps over international locations in Northern Africa and the Center East.However the operation is determined by the Kremlin’s consent and entails excessive safety dangers and complicated logistics.

“Russia, by weaponising meals in its battle towards Ukraine, is solely accountable for the worldwide meals safety disaster it has provoked,” reads the draft conclusions.

Europe and the US are engaged with the United Nations and Turkey to ensure a protected passage for the grains to succeed in their destined markets, however no detailed plan is predicted to come back out from the summit.


Army, monetary and humanitarian help for Ukraine will even be mentioned, along with an outline of the six bundle of sanctions adopted up to now towards Russia.

Though not formally on the agenda, the continued Kaliningrad standoff is prone to be dropped at the desk.

The Kremlin has threatened Lithuania with “severe” penalties after the Baltic nation banned the transit of some items by way of its territory from Russia to its exclave of Kaliningrad.

The measure consists of coal, metals, building supplies and superior expertise, accounting for round 50% of all items that Kaliningrad imports.

Lithuania says the brand new checks are a results of EU sanctions, a few of which grew to become relevant this week after a transitional interval. 


“We have now all the time stated that the provision to Kaliningrad of important items stays unhindered,” stated a European Fee spokesperson.

Agricultural and meals merchandise, gasoline provides, prescribed drugs and humanitarian assist have been exempted from the lengthy listing of sanctions, whereas many different key merchandise have been blacklisted, resembling semiconductors, delicate equipment, chemical substances and catalysts utilized in refineries.

The Fee will quickly publish pointers on how you can implement the penalties.

Russia has known as the ban “unprecedented” and “illegal” and demanded Lithuania to raise it instantly. However Vilnius has refused and tensions proceed to rise alongside the border.

“Some member states do not need to embrace Kaliningrad within the last conclusions,” stated a EU official, with out naming the international locations. “I am undecided they need to embark on a such an in depth dialogue.” 


Europe’s new neighborhood

Over dinner on Thursday, leaders will replicate on Europe’s safety structure and President Macron’s proposal for a “European political neighborhood,” a much less inflexible construction that will be open to non-EU international locations like Ukraine, Moldova, Norway and the UK.

The dialog might be exploratory to check the willingness across the room to maneuver the challenge ahead and outline what standards needs to be utilized for many who need to take part in it.

“Macron’s thought for a European neighborhood nonetheless must be studied and analysed,” stated a diplomat from Western Europe. “However this isn’t a substitute for enlargement.”

Friday’s session will give attention to the economic system: record-breaking inflation, sky-high power costs and the worsening cost-of-living disaster. European Central Financial institution President Christine Lagarde, who not too long ago introduced the eurozone’s first rate of interest hike in additional than a decade, will be part of leaders.

Nations like Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Belgium maintain calling for market intervention to convey down electrical energy payments, however one other group, together with the likes of the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and Finland, are against forceful motion that might doubtlessly convey extra disruption into the economic system.


Gazprom, Russia’s main power supplier, has in current months lower gasoline provides to a number of member states who refused to pay in roubles, a situation imposed by the Kremlin in retaliation for Western sanctions. The gradual cut-offs has led to a rise in coal burning and raised the prospect of gasoline rationing within the winter.

Additionally on Friday, leaders can have an opportunity to take inventory of the Convention on the Way forward for Europe, a year-long citizen-led train that produced a collection of proposals to reform the EU, together with the lifting of the unanimity requirement in sure coverage areas, a extremely delicate matter for capitals.

On the finish of the summit, European Council President Charles Michel and European Fee President Ursula von der Leyen will give a press convention, joined by President Macron, representing for the final time the French presidency of the EU Council.

The Czech Republic is scheduled to interchange France on 1 July.


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