
Drama, disappointment in Nairobi as Ruto wins Kenyan election



Kibera, Kenya – On the eve of the August 9 elections, Joyce Achieng stood for hours exterior the city corridor centre at Kamukunji within the coronary heart of Kibera, in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. The 41-year-old mom of 10 went residence solely to cook dinner for her kids within the morning earlier than returning the following night and repeating the cycle till Monday, she mentioned.

She was able to spend one other week celebrating if former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, her candidate for president and a large favorite in Kibera, received, she instructed Al Jazeera on Monday afternoon.

Simply after 6pm (15:00 GMT), Wafula Chebukati, chairperson of the Impartial Electoral and Boundaries Fee (IEBC), introduced that Deputy President William Ruto had received the election with 50.49 p.c of the vote to Odinga’s 48.85 p.c.

Achieng and tons of of others took to the streets of the densely populated slum, residence to an estimated 250,000 folks, to protest. “I can’t discuss to you,” she mentioned, her voice hoarse from all of the screaming and wailing. “My voice is gone. I can’t converse.”

Beside her, Maureen Akinyi’s voice was loud and her speech was succinct. “They steal [the election] from us on a regular basis,” the Kibera resident instructed Al Jazeera. “This time, no Raila, no Kenya.”


Round them, there have been bonfires and youths hitting zinc partitions with roads and sticks, angered by the flip of occasions.

Their disappointment reverberated throughout many elements of Nairobi, extensively thought-about an Odinga stronghold. Nevertheless it was particularly sturdy in Kibera, which till 2013 was a part of the Langata constituency that the previous prime minister represented in parliament for a few years.

Residents mentioned he has been essential within the push towards their eviction from the slum. Additionally they mentioned the city corridor sq. hosted many technique conferences within the ’80s for Odinga and fellow comrades within the battle to finish single-party politics in Kenya.

In 1992, their battle resulted in triumph as Daniel arap Moi, president on the time, reinstituted a multi-party democracy.

Seven years later, when he received one other time period as president, the second runner-up was Odinga, who received solely 10 p.c of the votes in that election.


Subsequent makes an attempt in 2007, 2013 and 2017 additionally resulted in failure for Odinga.

A 2018 truce with longtime foe President Uhuru Kenyatta, who handed him two of these defeats, was seen as an opportunity for the serial aspirant to lastly discover success this August.

Opinion polls predicted a win for Odinga forward of the elections, and a few media homes that collated outcomes from the IEBC’s portal additionally positioned him within the lead within the days after the election.

Nonetheless, he and the incumbent president have been outwitted by Ruto, who obtained his first break as a preferred campaigner for President arap Moi in 1992, however first obtained into authorities as an Odinga ally within the 2008 coalition authorities – the place the latter was prime minister.

Ruto, who known as himself a hustler, promised to revive the economic system and provides extra alternatives to on a regular basis residents, a message that resonated in a rustic with excessive unemployment and big debt.


He referenced his poor beginnings as a rooster vendor, in comparison with Odinga and Uhuru, whose fathers turned the primary vice chairman and president of Kenya, respectively, again in 1963 when the nation turned impartial from British colonial rule.

Drama and divergence

Ruto’s victory didn’t come with out drama.

The outcomes have been because of be introduced at 3pm Nairobi time (12:00 GMT), however the IEBC moved it twice, first to 4pm after which 5pm.

Round that point, 4 of the IEBC’s commissioners broke ranks to stage a quick press convention on the plush Serena Resort within the coronary heart of the capital and disown the outcomes.

IEBC Deputy Chairperson Juliana Cherera mentioned they left the tallying centre “due to the opaque nature of how this part has been dealt with”.


“We due to this fact can’t take possession of this outcome that’s going to be introduced,” she instructed the press at Serena.

Cherera and the opposite three commissioners have been appointed to the fee final yr by President Kenyatta.

Simply as their press convention ended, residents of Kibera and neighbouring areas mobilised to go there. Younger males on bikes, some with vuvuzela horns and others with Maasai fleece blankets, stood exterior the premises singing till a few police autos drove and parked in entrance of the resort, which had rapidly locked its gates.

There have been additionally ongoing demonstrations throughout elements of the capital.

And Martha Karua, Odinga’s operating mate tweeted: “It isn’t over till it’s over”.


In his acknowledgement speech, the president-elect appeared keen to maneuver on with the duty of dousing pressure within the nation and on to governance itself.

“There is no such thing as a room for vengeance,” Ruto mentioned, whereas praising the electoral fee for publishing outcomes on its portal. “I’m acutely conscious that our nation is at a stage the place we want all palms on deck.”

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa wasted no time in congratulating Ruto. “I’ve little doubt he’ll serve his nation, his folks and our continent with distinction,” he tweeted on Monday night.

On the Langata highway that connects to Bomas, the vacationer village that moonlights because the nationwide tallying centre throughout elections, to the upscale suburb of Nairobi the place each Ruto and Odinga reside, kids stayed out previous 7 pm to wave at a convoy of VIPs, believed to be Ruto’s.

“It’s by prayers and trusting God that Ruto received this election, he was a David combating Goliath” Martin Mwangi, a Nairobi bus driver instructed Al Jazeera. “His ethnicity doesn’t matter. He’s self-made and has the curiosity of the frequent Kenyan.”

In Ruto’s hometown of Eldoret, 1000’s spilled onto the streets in celebration of their native son’s victory over the five-time veteran whose trigger he as soon as championed.


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