
Guest Column: Out-of-State Dark Money and Misconstrued Attacks –…



As your state representative for House District 38, I feel compelled to address recent attacks on my stance regarding women’s sports.

These attacks, fueled by out-of-state dark money, have grossly misconstrued my position on an issue of profound importance.

As your neighbor, you know I’ve been a part of this community my entire life. I’ve grown up here, was married here, I ranch here, and go to church here. I care deeply about our shared values and the well-being of every resident.

Our state has a proud history of championing women’s rights. We were the first state to grant women the right to vote, earning us the title of the Equality State. This legacy is not just a point of pride; it’s a commitment that we must uphold with every decision we make.


The identity of a woman is fundamental and irreplaceable. It encompasses a unique journey, filled with challenges and triumphs that shape who she is. Our state has always recognized and celebrated this truth, and we must continue to honor it in all aspects of our society.

On a personal note, I watched two of my sisters thrive as athletes in high school and college.

Their dedication and hard work led to remarkable achievements, and I would never want to see their success undermined or taken away.

They competed with integrity, knowing that they were part of a fair and just system that recognized their abilities and efforts.

Additionally, the safety and privacy of women in locker rooms and restrooms are paramount concerns that cannot be overlooked.


Every woman and girl deserves to feel secure in spaces designated for them, free from any undue risks or discomfort. I firmly believe that ensuring these safe spaces is a fundamental part of respecting and valuing the identity of women.

I vow to protect the opportunities and rights of our Wyoming girls. Ensuring a level playing field in sports is not just about fairness; it’s about preserving the integrity of women’s sports and respecting the unique identity and contributions of women.

As your representative, I will stand firm against any attempts to blur the lines and diminish the accomplishments of female athletes.

Let’s remain committed to our values and the legacy of equality that defines Wyoming. Together, we can ensure that every girl and woman in our state has the chance to succeed and be celebrated for who she truly is.

We can’t let out-of-state attack ads from those desperately seeking power cause divisiveness within the conservative movement. I am a proud, committed, Wyoming conservative. I will always fight back against the radical left and stand firm in defending our Wyoming way of life.


If you need to reach me on this issue or any other, please call (307-265-8935), email (tom.walters@reagan.com) or visit https://waltershd38.com/ directly. Thank you for your continued trust and support 

Tom Walters

State Representative, House District 38

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1 Comment

  1. Gina Douglas

    July 30, 2024 at 1:27 pm

    In his recent guest column Representative Tom Walters asserts that “Every woman and girl deserves to feel secure in spaces designated for them, free from any undue risks or discomfort. I firmly believe that ensuring these safe spaces is a fundamental part of respecting and valuing the identity of women.” That is his way of saying that the What is a Woman Act (which defines sex and gender by plumbing) is necessary to make females feel safe.

    Actually, that’s not how our legal-system works. If any person commits a crime, that person faces criminal charges. Everybody else is innocent until proven guilty. Nobody is protected from things that might happen. Nobody is protected from fear. But about transwomen, there is nothing to fear, but fear itself.

    In Colorado, access to gender-segregated facilities has been determined by “innate sense of gender-identity” since 2007, and there has NEVER been a reported case of a woman being assaulted by a transwoman in one of those facilities. So women are equally safe, with or without the protection, that this act would theoretically provide.

    This act is just a shiny-object to distract us from the fact that women are not safe from gun-violence or being raped on the street, and Republicans are not willing to do anything to fix that. But Republicans are certainly able to pass laws to protect women from what poses no actual danger, and then host a barn-dance to celebrate their great accomplishment.

    Two years ago, sensible Republicans voted down the Freedom Caucus’ transgender-hysteria bills, because they know such bills are unjust, and bad for tourism. But last year, after attacks from dark-money, out of state, fake public-interest groups – they passed Chloe’s Law, banning gender-affirming care for youth. Now, the dark-money attacks, instead of stopping, have quadrupled – since they proved to work so splendidly.

    These attacks will never stop, and it won’t be long before the Clown-Caucus runs the state as if we were Idaho, where if a doctor has to choose between saving a baby or the mother, the doctor has to save the baby and let the mother die. Today the clown-caucus is protecting women from transpeople, tomorrow they will be protecting women from the harmful effects of birth-control medications and devices.

    At every rally, Trump talks about the three women who were murdered by illegal-migrants this year. But he never talks about the nine transgender-women who were murdered by regular-ole Americans in the same time-period.

    Wyoming is the Equality State because women are treated as equals. Because of this, Wyoming women are strong and independent. They are not helpless southern-belles or debutantes. But this bill, and the views of the Freedom Caucus, as expressed by Walters, insults that strength and independence. It is paternalistic. It asserts that women need protection from phantom-fears, or LordyLordy, they might just faint dead-away from fears that a transwoman’s Elastic Man penis is going to squeeze through the cracks in the stall and attack them.

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