
Prankster nearly falls off cliff’s edge at Utah national park in resurfaced video



This prankster is off the rails — literally.

A careless prankster nearly faced deathly consequences when he jumped over the safety rail and lost his footing at Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah in a heart-racing video posted on Reddit showed.

The footage captured the man in a bright lime green shirt looking back at the camera before he ran full speed over the rail as an unsuspecting tourist entered the frame.

Initially landing on both upright, the man loses his footing and starts sliding toward the cliff’s edge, holding on for dear life.


The woman holding the camera shrieks in terror as the man nears the cliff edge before cutting out.

The seven-second, anxiety-inducing video was initially reported in August 2022.

A park spokesman said at the time nobody was injured during the stunt.

“Every time I hear about someone falling over the railing and dying I wonder, “What kind of dumbass do you have to be to fall into the Grand Canyon?” Now I know,” one Reddit commenter wrote.

The video was taken at Bryce Canyon Amphitheater — which is situated in the Colorado Plateau and is over 250 miles south of Salt Lake City — 12 miles long, 3 miles wide, and has a depth of 800 feet, according to the park’s official website.


The recirculating video has had Reddit users in a frenzy over the man’s idiotic stunt.

The man is seen recklessly leaping over the railing edge of the Canyon.
Reddit / EvaRaw666
After landing on two feet, he loses his balance and starts to slide toward the cliff’s edge.
Reddit / EvaRaw666

“I was standing on that same overlook about a month ago. that sh-t drops 800 ft,” another Redditor commented.

“This kills people so often it’s actually a wonder how any of these morons don’t understand the danger and think they’re being original or funny in any way,” one user shared.

“Do these idiots have to pay a fine AND for new underwear at gift shop prices?” another user asked.

The Bryce Canyon Amphitheater on Nov. 8, 2018 in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah.
Getty Images

“Bryce Canyon didn’t want him. Not enough brain cells,” this Redditor sarcastically wrote.

Bryce Canyon was listed as the 42nd most dangerous national park in the United States, according to Outforia, an online resource for outdoors enthusiasts — but averages less than one fall per year.

The Grand Canyon was ranked the deadliest, which has claimed 27 lives from falls alone since 2010.


Most recently, a tourist plummeted down the Grand Canyon — falling 4,700 feet to their death into the Colorado River from the park’s Skywalk attraction earlier this month.

Yosemite National Park in California has had 45 people fall to their deaths in its massive gorge in the last decade, and the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee attributed 92 deaths in the previous 10 years, but these are primarily from drownings and animal attacks.

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