San Diego, CA

What San Diego State coach Sean Lewis, players said after Oregon State’s 21-0 win



SAN DIEGO – Here were some post-game comments from San Diego State coach Sean Lewis, tight end Jude Wolfe and cornerback Chris Johnson following Oregon State’s 21-0 win Saturday night in Snapdragon Stadium:

Sean Lewis

About the performance:

“Tonight was not near good enough. We need to do a much better job in our club and get the guys where they need to be for a quality opponent that we had tonight in Oregon State. I wear the loss completely. We need to do a much better job. We need to have a much better week of preparation moving forward for a really good, talented Cal-Berkeley team, who went down to SEC country today and got a big win; they’ll be riding high.


“We have to do a great job bouncing back. I told the guys, “Every opportunity, you’re either going to win, or we’re going to learn.” We have to learn lessons as we move through this thing, and the adversity that we faced tonight is a part of it. We can grow, and we can become closer and tighter through that. I’m looking forward to that next step in this process as we move forward collectively as a team.”

How penalties hurt SDSU’s offensive rhythm:

“We have those self-inflicted wounds that really hurt. (We beat ourselves) in a lot of areas tonight, including those penalties. It puts you behind the chain, a little off schedule against a quality team and quality opponent. Our opponent can sit back, rally, and gain momentum. That comes back to us doing a great job as a staff, me in particular, making sure that we’re putting our guys in the best position to be successful and doing the things that they do best. Play in and play out.”

On San Diego State’s resilience:

“(We) don’t quit. That was an unbelievable effort. At no point in time did I see anyone hanging their heads. They’re going to fight, they’re going to be resilient, and we chose to respond, and they’ve done that in each asset and each facet of the game. Now, we need to do it at a higher level. There’s a desire to compete; they’re a connected group, and I look forward to seeing that bond grow. Great bonds are formed under heat and pressure. We’re feeling a little bit of heat and pressure for the first time. Let’s embrace that, and let’s come together as a unit, as a team, through this adversity, through trials and tribulations.


“Looking forward to the way that we respond. We’ve shown week after week that we have a good response that we will bounce back. We’ll learn from these hard lessons. Unfortunately, it’s part of this deal. As you go, as you step into the arena, there are going to be moments.”

On what the team needs to do to be efficient against programs like Oregon State:

“If we’re able to operate to the efficiency that I know that we’re capable of because of the plan that we put in place, we can play the game our way. It comes down to our execution and understanding of the plan. Let’s put together a great plan for the kids to be successful, and then go out and execute that play after play after play to have sustained success.”

Tight end Jude Wolfe

On the offensive performance:


“It was subpar. We didn’t perform to the level that we can. We had pre-snap penalties, and other mistakes we have control over. We can’t keep making those mistakes and then not executing when we have opportunities. We had some good shots there, but we just have to capitalize on it overall. We have to play a better game. “

On helping the team be resilient:

“We need to have better leadership from us older guys. When adversity hits, you can see at points guys on the sideline have their heads down. It’s on us as the leaders to try to inspire and rally the troops, to keep things going, and to keep our heads up regardless of what just happened to us.”

On Oregon State’s offense controlling the ball for a long period of time:

“As far as getting into the groove of things, it’s certainly frustrating that Oregon State had the ball for such a long time. It’s tough to get a real rhythm when you’re off the field for so long. But there’s no excuse for the way the offense performed today. We had plenty of opportunities and didn’t capitalize.”


Cornerback Chris Johnson

On Oregon State’s running game:

“They have a few great runners. It’s always hard to stop a great runner, and then it’s matched with a great offensive line. We matched up with the running backs perfectly. We have a great interior, exterior, secondary, and all that. Obviously, they just executed more times, and they were able to make bigger plays than we did.”

On flipping the page and focusing on the next game:

“Tomorrow, we’re right back at it, going over the tape, practicing, getting all the bumps and bruises out, and we’ll be done with this game after tomorrow. Some of those parts aren’t very pretty. We have to get through it.”


–Nick Daschel can be reached at 360-607-4824, or @nickdaschel.

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