San Diego, CA

For fairness, all users of California roads should pay taxes



Re “Cost of gasoline in California is likely to soar” (July 5): When will Sacramento and Washington legislators wake up to the fact that the number of gasoline cars on our roads is decreasing every day? The old gas excise tax model is no longer fair or just as the only source of funds to pay for road repairs or building roads. The advent of EVs and bicycle lanes has changed the landscape forever.

Yes, “Californians pay the highest gas prices and endure some of the worst roads”! It is time to create a new tax system that taxes all of our road users fairly. All classes of vehicles, cars and trucks (gas, hybrid, electric, propane, etc.) and bikes (human-powered, electric and gas) should pay a new tax or fee based on road use. The more you are on the road, the more you will pay.

All bikes should be licensed for use on our roads, especially rental bikes. $100 a bike may help with road maintenance.

— Vince Loughney Sr., Oceanside


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