San Diego, CA

Final member of trio suspected in purse snatching cases arraigned



SAN DIEGO (FOX 5/KUSI) — Three people arrested on suspicion of stealing from several elderly women appeared in court on Monday. The trio is accused of visiting shopping centers and stealing purses before taking off in a getaway vehicle.

From the start of the year to April, 15 separate victims were stolen from or even robbed in several locations, spanning across Mira Mesa shopping centers and National City; most victims were Filipino/Asian women between the ages of 64 to 89. The majority of the incidents took place at Asian markets.

“Just to think that you would take advantage of somebody—what if it was your mom, what if it was your grandmother?” said one National City resident. “And just hearing stuff like that—it’s heartbreaking.”

Now, the county is working on prosecuting the person in question, defendant Shawntece Davis. Monday afternoon, she pleaded not guilty to several counts of theft from an elder, robbery, burglary, conspiracy to commit elder theft and more.


Davis didn’t work alone. Her two co-defendants were also arraigned last week with not-guilty pleas.

“This case represents the worst—these defendants targeted the most vulnerable in our community,” said Deputy District Attorney Scott Pirrello.

The defendants could face up to eight to 17 years in state prison if convicted of all charges.

Here’s how the trio would operate: As elderly women left a store, walked to their car, and began to unload groceries, the suspects would act, stealing unattended purses while the victims were distracted. However, not all who work around the area are aware.

“We’re not experiencing something like that—I hear that somewhere, but here at Target? No,” said a local Mira Mesa Target employee.


Eddie Jimenez with SD Landhousing Security Service was also a former grocery store owner and operator in National City, he says there are preventable steps victims can take.

“Grocery outlets should be able to offer them assistance,” Jimenez said. “Especially if they’re senior citizens, they can ask a manager if one of their box boys can take them out to the car.”

Prosecutors warn this is happening across the entire county. They advise to never bring a large purse to the store or leave a bag unattended.

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