New Mexico

Dozens honor MLK's legacy at ENMU in Roswell



On Monday morning, dozens gathered to celebrate and honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy at Eastern New Mexico University in Roswell.

ROSWELL, N.M. – On Monday morning, dozens gathered to celebrate and honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy at Eastern New Mexico University in Roswell.

Among those, professors and leaders in the community shared how the legacy of MLK played a role in their lives. 

“I know today is we’re observing Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And anytime I think about Dr. King, I think about my grandmother. She wanted so many people to know that your character and your education are the only thing, and your salvation are the only things that you have,” said Jamila Miller, assistant principal of Berrendo Middle School.  


For some, it was a reminder to help others reach that goal. 

“Dr. Martin Luther King wanted was people to fulfill their dreams, regardless of who they were, regardless of their skin color, but always based on their character, and the things that they were going to bring to society,”  said Harun Williams, an ENMUR instructor. “So that’s one of the things when it comes to my students that I made sure I help them build their character, I help them find their place in society because I want society to be better. I want things to be better, not just for me, but for all the generations to come.” 

Williams says the society has come a long way but still, there is a lot of work to do in hopes of a better future. 

“As we remember Dr. King’s legacy, let’s promise to keep fighting for fairness, standing up for the right things, and working on making sure that everybody’s voice is heard. Together, we can build a future where equity is a reality for all, just as he dreamed,” said Williams. 


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