
LETTER: Nevada congressional Democrats ride to the rescue on retail theft?



It was fun to see the pictures of Rep. Dina Titus, Sen. Jacky Rosen and Rep. Susie Lee on the front page of the Friday Review-Journal touting a bill they are supporting to tackle retail theft. First, liberal Democrats in the Legislature announce to all who are interested that they can shoplift up to $900 worth of merchandise before facing a felony charge. Then these three ride into town on white horses and announce that they have a solution to the problem members of their own party created.

The Combating Organized Retail Crime Act of 2023 makes the crime a federal offense. The definition of organized retail theft is that the goods are stolen to be resold. The smart ones will catch on fast and declare that the items are just for their family use. Not one word about the $900 grace amount. Rep. Titus even made sure we know that this is not about “the kid who steals a candy bar on the way home from school.” See, a little bit of theft is OK. That is the mindset.

We need to give civil immunity against lawsuits to business owners who protect their goods, employees and their structures. If I get hurt protecting what I worked a lifetime for, then so be it. It beats the hell out of standing by and letting the thieves win.


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