
Database shows 5 institutions in Montana still hold Native remains




Final 12 months, workers members with the Fort Peck Cultural Useful resource Division drove virtually 500 miles from the Fort Peck Reservation to Missoula to repatriate cultural and sacred gadgets (pictured above on the Fort Peck Cultural Useful resource Division in Poplar) that had been in possession of the College of Montana. ProPublica, a nationwide investigative information group, not too long ago printed a database itemizing 5 Montana establishments, which incorporates UM, which have reported holding Native American stays and sacred gadgets.

ProPublica, a nationwide investigative information group, earlier this month launched a database that reveals which establishments report having Native American stays, together with a number of in Montana.

Public colleges, museums and different establishments nationwide home stays and gadgets affiliated with tribes. Typically the gadgets are donated. Different instances, a faculty or museum workers member might have purchased or collected the gadgets for archaeology or analysis functions.  


However in the previous few many years, there was a nationwide effort to return sacred gadgets and stays to the tribes wherein they belong. Handed in 1990, the Native American Graves Safety and Repatriation Act, generally generally known as NAGPRA, established a course of for tribes to request the return of Native stays from establishments which have them.

Greater than 30 years later, not all establishments are compliant. ProPublica reviews that at the very least half of the stays of greater than 210,000 Native Individuals haven’t been returned.

Persons are additionally studying…


Historic pictures from Montana’s Native American boarding colleges.

Aaron Brien is the NAGPRA coordinator and tribal historic preservation officer for the Crow Tribe. He stated he hopes the database will present folks that “that is nonetheless an issue.”

“Housing human stays shouldn’t be distinctive,” he defined. “However for Native stays, the size of it’s distinctive. The housing of Native stays retains us in a relentless state of curiosity. We’re people and must be handled as people.”


Mike Durglo Jr., who’s accountable for the preservation division for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, stated he is grateful for the database. 

“Any info that helps us return this stuff is appreciated,” he stated, including that the tribes are working to confirm the information. “We are going to proceed to work with these establishments, and people, who wish to assist us convey this stuff house.”

In keeping with the database, establishments proceed to carry at the very least 1,200 Native stays taken from counties of relevance to the Little Shell Tribe.

Tribal Chairman Gerald Grey stated returning such stays to tribes is “lengthy overdue.”

“These are our members, and they need to be handled with dignity and respect,” he stated. “As an alternative, they’re being saved in a field in some establishment’s basement. … It’s time to present these stays the correct burial they deserve.”


What does the database say about Montana?


Dyan Youpee, director of the Fort Peck Cultural Useful resource Division, poses for a portrait in entrance of a show containing repatriated sacred gadgets from the College of Montana on the Fort Peck Cultural Useful resource Division in Poplar on Sept. 22. In keeping with the ProPublica database, UM reviews nonetheless holding the stays of at the very least 25 Native Individuals.


ProPublica’s database lists 5 Montana establishments which have reported holding Native American stays, and it outlines whether or not these establishments have made the stays accessible for return to the tribes. Beneath NAGPRA, if an establishment makes a connection between tribes and stays, the establishment should publish an inventory of tribes eligible to make a repatriation declare. When authors of the database point out establishments which have made stays “accessible for return” to tribes, they’re referring to this course of.

In keeping with the positioning, UM reviews nonetheless holding the stays of at the very least 25 Native Individuals. Up to now, UM has made accessible for return 63% of the 67 Native stays it reported to the federal authorities.

Particularly, UM has made 24 stays accessible for return to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes and 18 to the Crow Tribe.

Dave Kuntz, director of strategic communications at UM, stated “it’s a prime precedence for UM leaders to work in partnership with regional tribes to repatriate artifacts and stays.”

The college hopes to rent a repatriation coordinator, whose full-time job it will be to work with tribes to return gadgets of significance, Kuntz added.


“It will take time,” he stated, including that UM will proceed to establish artifacts and stays to “guarantee repatriation happens.”

UM in August obtained $99,314 from the Nationwide Park Service to assist documentation and repatriation of such gadgets. Kuntz stated the funding will assist the brand new repatriation coordinator place.

And earlier this month, UM was awarded $325,107 from the Nationwide Endowment for the Humanities to “Indigenize heritage collections.” The challenge goals to deal with challenges in figuring out cultural affiliation for objects with obscure information.

In keeping with the database, the Montana Historic Society has made none of its reported 16 stays accessible for return.

Eve Byron, public info officer for the historic society, stated the establishment has “been engaged on returning the human stays and related burial gadgets for a while.”


She stated that the historic society has “deaccessioned” all human stays and associated funerary gadgets, which means the gadgets had been faraway from the listed holdings of the establishment. She added that the Montana Burial Preservation Board is tasked with returning stays and gadgets to the suitable tribe.

The Montana Historic Society board of trustees voted unanimously in October to return possession of Huge Drugs, a mounted white buffalo, to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes.

CSKT Tribal Chairman Tom McDonald instructed the board after the vote the tribe was deeply appreciative.

“We are going to deal with this animal with the respect it deserves,” he stated on the time.

The Museum of the Rockies, positioned in Bozeman, made accessible for return 22% of the 18 Native American stays it reported having. The museum, in line with the database, has made 4 stays accessible to the Crow Tribe. And the museum reported making none of its 97 funerary objects accessible for return to tribes.


Representatives from the Museum of the Rockies didn’t reply to a request for remark.

ProPublica discovered that Montana State College’s Division of Sociology has made zero of 11 Native American stays accessible for return. It additionally has not made accessible any of the 49 funerary objects for return to tribes.

Representatives from MSU didn’t reply to a request for remark.

Carter County Museum, positioned in Ekalaka, has made all the 15 Native American stays accessible for return. The museum made stays accessible for return to twenty tribes, together with to the Fort Peck Tribes and Fort Belknap Indian Group.

What concerning the tribes?

The database can be searchable by tribe and divulges info on stays and funeral gadgets affiliated with every tribal nation in Montana, listed beneath.

  • Establishments have reported making 38 Native stays accessible to the Blackfeet Tribe. The tribe is eligible to assert 58 funerary objects. Establishments maintain stays of 5 Native Individuals taken from counties of curiosity to the Blackfeet.

Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes

  • Establishments have made 43 stays accessible for return to the CSKT, and establishments proceed to carry stays of 18 Native Individuals from counties related to the tribes.
  • Establishments reported making stays of greater than 2,700 Native stays accessible to the Chippewa Cree Tribe. Establishments proceed to carry stays of at the very least 2,200 Native Individuals taken from counties of curiosity to the tribe.

Fort Belknap Indian Group

  • Establishments have made 51 Native stays accessible for return to the FBIC and proceed to carry stays of at the very least 3,100 Native Individuals taken from counties of curiosity to the tribe. Carter County Museum has made 14 stays accessible for return to the tribe.
  • Establishments report making the stays of greater than 800 Native Individuals accessible for return to the Crow Tribe and proceed to carry stays of at the very least 300 Native Individuals taken from related counties.
  • Establishments report making greater than 1,400 stays accessible to the tribe and proceed to carry at the very least 600 Native stays taken from counties of curiosity to the tribe.

Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana

  • Establishments report making greater than 300 stays accessible for return to the Little Shell, and establishments proceed to carry at the very least 1,200 Native stays taken from counties of curiosity to the tribe.

Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux

  • Establishments report making stays of greater than 2,600 Native Individuals accessible for return to the Fort Peck Tribes, and establishments proceed to carry stays of at the very least 800 Natives taken from counties related to the tribe.

To view ProPublica’s database, go to

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