
“It’s important to remember what is at risk”: Fatal Colorado Springs motorcycle crash witnesses speak out



COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) – Those who witnessed Tuesday’s fatal crash involving a car and multiple motorcycles are sharing their experience.

Eden Selvyn said he had just gotten home from work and was relaxing on the front porch of his partner’s house near the corner of North Nevada Avenue and Jackson Street.

“I heard engine revving coming south, so coming from downtown from here,” he said. “After the revving, I hear loud crashing and it keeps going and then I just see parts of cars, motorcycles, whatever, flying through the air, followed by bodies tumbling through the air.”

His partner, Rowan Wolfe, said she saw the whole thing through her front window.


“I meet with my partner outside who is also yelling and I start calling the police,” she said. “There were already people out there helping luckily and someone went and flagged that cop down and I heard him say, ‘She’s dead’, which it all felt so sudden to hear that.”’

Police said they believe speed is a contributing factor in the crash, something that doesn’t surprise those who live near North Nevada Avenue.

“Speed is definitely a thing that happens on this street, I mean everyone has sped at some point in their life, I have sped on this road before,” Wolfe said. “It’s just like the level of speed, like five miles over is one thing but sometimes people are going way over the speed limit.”

“I think that people forget that this is a residential part of a road,” Bryse Boynton said. “There are houses, driveways, these cross streets, people are not going nearly as fast as they are on Nevada.”

Boynton said the dangerous speeds lead to crashes.


“Like once a month, minimum,” he said. “I think from what I’ve seen, a lot of them come from people coming up Nevada and taking people out that are pulling off these side streets onto it and the speed difference is just substantial.”

Boynton said it has gotten to a point where he is moving to get away from a dangerous situation.

“This street has been a factor in us making that decision with just how much is happening, how close we are there, my partner’s car getting totaled,” he said.

Wolfe said while speeding is common, she said people need to be aware of the consequences.

“We’ve all been there, everyone’s been late to work, everyone’s been trying to get to somewhere on time, and I feel like this is cliche, but just remember that’s not important, like people’s lives are more important than trying to get somewhere five minutes earlier than you would have gotten there anyway,” Wolfe said.


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