
Colorado Springs Fire Department emphasizes fire safety to Colorado Springs residents



COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) – Fire danger is a year-round affair for Coloradans and the Colorado Springs fire department said mitigating fire risk is as important as ever during the red flag warning on Friday.

A few ways to prevent fire hazards are to postpone having barbecues, properly disposing of cigarettes and avoiding grass fields when driving. The fire department says they are beefing up personnel during these fire warnings in order to contain and extinguish these fires as efficiently as possible. They say they can be at the scene of a fire in under 10 minutes.

The department has a website with resources to help prevent wildfires and what to do in case one occurs. Click here for more information.

For information on wildfire mitigation from Colorado State University, click here.


If you live in Colorado Springs and you want to determine the “wildfire risk” for your area, click here.

“It is critical for the residents of Colorado Springs to know if they live in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI),” CSFD has posted on its website. “The Colorado Springs WUI is a geographically defined area where houses or businesses are in or near mixed topographical and geographical features with various timber, brush, and grass species. It is an area that poses a greater than normal risk to people and their property due to the proximity of combustible vegetation and structures. When you click on the Wildfire Risk Map, you will get more detailed information on the specific area in which you live.”

Click here for the Wildfire Risk Assessment Site. Click “Get hazard information by address,” type in your address (house number and street name), and see your wildfire risk.”

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