
California wildfires: What should I take if I have to evacuate?



The 2024 California wildfire season has started, and if you live in an area where wildfires are a threat, now is the time to double-check how prepared you are if a fire is burning toward your neighborhood.

Don’t wait for an evacuation order or even a warning to start thinking about what you should take if you have to flee.

Here’s a checklist of important things to gather together and be ready to take. For more information, check out’s list and other tips on how to prepare for wildfires.

  • Photographs of all family members.
  • Food and water (for up to seven days, if possible).
  • Pets (if advance warning, take to an approved shelter).
  • Pet ID tags, medications, leashes and water bowls.
  • Change of clothing for each person (for one to seven days).
  • Cell phones and chargers. Laptop computer. External backup hard drives.
  • Health and car insurance cards and related documents.
  • Property deeds.
  • Marriage license.
  • Tax papers.
  • Birth certificates.
  • Drivers’ licenses.
  • Checkbook, credit cards, cash, wallet, purse.
  • Prescription and other medications.
  • First-aid kit.
  • Prescription eyewear, dentures, hearing aids.
  • Jewelry.
  • Irreplaceable keepsakes.
  • Flashlights and a portable radio with extra batteries.

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