
Arizona Dad Finds Twin Toddlers Drowned in Backyard Pool



Two twin toddlers died in Phoenix, Arizona on Thursday, after officers responded to a call saying that a child was drowning in a backyard pool. When first responders arrived, they discovered the father of Valentina and Penelope Ruiz attempting to do CPR on both three-year-old girls at the same time. “You can imagine what that would look like and how taxing that would be,” said Phoenix Fire Captain Rob McDade, according to Fox10. The two girls were rushed to the hospital in critical condition, where they were pronounced dead, according to police. Police said that preliminary information suggests that the drowning was accidental. “Remember a drowning is silent. Everybody thinks that you’re going to hear your child asking for help. It’s absolutely silent. So remember that,” said Captain McDade. “Again, it’s a tragic day. It is a tremendous loss for this family and for this community.”

Read it at Fox 10 Phoenix

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