
China, Russia bombers enter Alaska, Hong Kong’s MTR upgrades: 7 highlights



2. Chinese-born scientist in US tells of fear caused by Trump-era convictions

Professor Franklin Tao, formerly of the University of Kansas, has had all four convictions relating to wire fraud and false statement overturned by US courts. Photo:

University of Kansas academic Franklin Tao speaks of charges amid the China Initiative, “losing almost everything” and a bittersweet victory.

3. Hong Kong’s MTR Corp to offer free buses, deploy 1,000 staff for July 28 works

Trains will not stop at Prince Edward, Mong Kok, Yau Ma Tei and Ho Man Tin stations on the Kwun Tong line as the MTR Corp carries out unprecedented upgrades.

4. China 1 step closer to putting person on moon as rocket engine passes test

The test of the Long March-10 moon rocket’s third-stage engine took place at a newly completed facility which is said to be the first of its kind in China and the largest in Asia. Photo: Weibo

China has successfully tested the third-stage engine of its Long March-10 moon rocket, moving one step closer towards putting Chinese astronauts on the lunar surface before 2030.

5. More fake birth certificates fuel Philippines’ fears of Chinese infiltration

Alice Leal Guo, the fugitive mayor of Bamban. Her case appears to be just the tip of the iceberg. Photo: Facebook/AliceLealGuo

The case of Alice Guo, a fugitive mayor accused of being a Chinese spy, has exposed numerous vulnerabilities to foreign actors in the country’s legal and administrative systems, observers warn.

6. Liu Ma Kee tofu debacle: what products can claim the ‘Made in Hong Kong’ label?

A century-old fermented tofu business that imported bean curd from mainland China while saying its products were local has raised concerns about labelling products as Hong Kong made.

7. ‘Miserable’ Japan man eats rice in cold water for 21 years in hope of retiring early

A Japanese man who lived on simple food for years in order to save for an early retirement has been given a nasty shock. Photo: SCMP composite/Sohu/

A Japanese man who lived an extremely frugal life for 21 years because he wanted to save 100 million yen (US$640,000) to retire early has shocked internet users in China.

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