West Virginia

School safety plans not on the agenda at West Virginia Board of Education meeting



CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) – Scholar security is on the minds of fogeys as they ship their kids again to highschool, however that matter was not on the month-to-month West Virginia State Board of Schooling assembly Wednesday.

“This on our minds on a regular basis, and so whether or not it’s mentioned at a gathering that’s not the measure of what’s actually occurring,” board member Debra Sullivan stated.

The subject not being on the agenda was a stark distinction from the July assembly, when officers stated faculty disaster response plans have been obligatory.

On July 13, WSAZ requested if it’s going to be a precedence shifting ahead to ensure faculty districts are submitting these plans this was the response:


“That’s appropriate. We are literally including that to our state accountability system for faculties,” stated Jonah Adkins, coordinator for the workplace of accountability, stated. “If these plans are late or not submitted in any respect, that can replicate negatively on the on the effectivity indicators for county boards of schooling.”

Board member Miller Corridor even stated on July 13, faculties with no disaster plan shouldn’t open.

The board informed faculties that they had till Aug. 1 to submit the disaster response plan to the Division of Homeland Safety.

Since then, WSAZ has been asking through e-mail if faculty submitted these plans, however we have been informed the division was checking.

Wednesday, WSAZ requested the board for an replace on these plans and why they weren’t on the agenda.


WSAZ acquired this response:

“The up to date Disaster Response Plans for the 637 faculties in our state have been because of the Division of Homeland Safety by Aug. 1. The data is being collected and might be introduced in a report back to the West Virginia Board of Schooling on the September assembly. Preliminary evaluation of the information from Homeland Safety signifies most colleges have up to date these plans and the West Virginia Division of Schooling’s Workplace of Accountability and Evaluation is working with counties that didn’t submit the up to date plans by Aug. 1., to make sure they achieve this instantly. The names of these faculties is not going to be disclosed right now for causes of security and safety.”

WSAZ requested Sullivan if she would have appreciated to know what faculty submitted plans and what faculties didn’t earlier than faculty began.

“I suppose I’ve belief that these, by way of my work right here with the division that there are these within the division who’ve that as their cost that they’re doing,” she stated.

WSAZ additionally requested if it’s alarming to listen to some faculties don’t have these plans in place?


“I don’t know if alarm is the phrase. It shocks me that why wouldn’t you do one thing that’s to learn your whole faculty inhabitants?” she stated. “I can’t converse for the board. I’m only one voice, however it could be one thing I do know I might take very critically.”

WSAZ requested what number of counties didn’t submit a disaster response plan. The spokesperson responded they’re checking into that data.

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