West Virginia

Opinion | West Virginia’s Tax-Cut Crossroads



West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice


Chris Jackson/Related Press

West Virginia lawmakers need their state to turn into a vacation spot for folks and funding, and GOP Gov.


Jim Justice

has proposed a serious tax minimize to assist. However he’s going to have to beat misguided opposition from the Republican Legislature.

Mr. Justice’s plan would minimize West Virginia’s high income-tax charge to three.25% from 6.5%. The complete discount would section in by way of 2025, starting with a 30% minimize this yr. “It would take us three years to tug it off,” Mr. Justice stated in his State of the State tackle. “However completely it’s that aggressive pathway that may completely put unbelievable cash proper again into all of our pockets.”

The proposal is formidable, nevertheless it isn’t radical by any measure. The speed minimize would assist the state compete for funding with its neighbors, a lot of which have additionally slashed charges. West Virginia’s present 6.5% high charge is greater than these within the 5 states that encompass it. That features Ohio (3.99%) and Kentucky (5%), which have handed cuts since 2021, in addition to Virginia (5.75%), which is contemplating a minimize.

That’s why the GOP-led state Home handed the plan final month, 95-2. But the invoice has faltered within the Senate, regardless that the GOP holds 31 of 34 seats.


The opposition is led by Senate finance committee chairman

Eric Tarr

and Senate president

Craig Blair.

“It’s unsafe for your loved ones, since you’re going to now financial institution on a rise in income,” Mr. Tarr says. “Then a future legislature goes to have to return and say, ‘Oops, we’re going to have to return and lift taxes someplace.’”


That’s the same old line from politicians who wish to preserve extra income for themselves, nevertheless it doesn’t wash in West Virginia as we speak. The Mountain State completed fiscal 2022 with a report $1.3 billion surplus, which equals about 28% of deliberate spending for 2023. The state’s financial system is benefiting from excessive costs and demand for coal and pure gasoline, however the state must diversify its financial system for the longer term.

Mr. Justice’s tax invoice units apart $700 million for a reserve fund to assist with any income downturn. That’s on high of the state’s almost $1 billion wet day fund. “In years previous we haven’t had billions of {dollars} of surplus,” Mr. Justice advised the press not too long ago, saying the time is true to return funds to taxpayers.

The GOP Senate handed its personal plan this month backed by Mr. Blair, who doesn’t wish to give Mr. Justice a political victory. The Senate plan cuts earnings taxes by 15%, whereas providing a hodgepodge of rebates, corresponding to subsidies for veterans’ properties and small-business tools. These provisions would draw far much less funding and lots of fewer new residents than the Governor’s plan, which is why Mr. Justice has gone on the street to pitch his 50% minimize to voters.

The tax-cut dispute comes at an optimistic second for West Virginia’s financial system. Although nonetheless the Forty ninth-ranked state by earnings, it drew extra home migrants than it misplaced final yr, for the primary time in a decade. The Governor and Senate will proceed to speak and a compromise is probably going. However the Governor’s plan would do way more to boost incomes and put together the state’s financial system to outlive the left’s battle on fossil fuels.


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Appeared within the February 21, 2023, print version.

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