West Virginia
Gov. Justice calls on Biden Administration to cease war on West Virginia by federal agencies
Trout Stocking Program:
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), during discussions relating to the renewal of our hatchery operations grant, recently told the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources that West Virginia will have to cease stocking Trout in waters with a known population of Candy Darter, Guyandotte River crayfish, and Big Sandy crayfish.
The discussion was undertaken as a requirement of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), which obligates the proponent of any activity with a federal nexus (e.g., funding, real property, etc.) to consult with the USFWS about the effects on federally threatened and endangered species. Because DNR Fish Hatchery Operations are conducted using federal funding, the agency was obligated to review the potential effects of trout stocking on federally listed aquatic species.
The DNR does not believe that populations of Candy Darter, Guyandotte River crayfish, and Big Sandy crayfish are affected by trout to the extent that USFWS believes them to be and will conduct a study to examine the effects.
The DNR is hopeful to negotiate a path forward to ensure the stocking program continues in full. However, as of today, at least four streams will be removed from the stocking program if a deal is not reached. Those streams are Camp Creek in Mercer County, Laurel Creek of Cherry in Greenbrier/Nicholas counties, North Fork of Cherry in Greenbrier County, and Pinnacle Creek in Wyoming County. Other streams, including prize trout streams like the Cranberry, will be placed on a modified schedule, eliminating stocking during prime seasons.