West Virginia

Bobwhite Quail Getting New Welcome in West Virginia



West Virginia Gov.

Jim Justice

stated he fondly remembers listening to the distinctive name of the northern bobwhite quail when he was a boy. Like many others, he hunted the birds properly into the Nineteen Seventies earlier than they largely disappeared from the state.

Now, the governor is attempting to deliver again the northern bobwhite, additionally identified merely as quail, to the Mountain State by reintroducing 21,000 of them this yr within the state’s greatest repopulation marketing campaign to this point.


“I’ve missed these little rascals and many folks have,” Mr. Justice stated at a press briefing final week saying the restoration challenge. A looking diary he retains has an entry from Christmas Eve in 1976 displaying that he shot 103 quail that yr, he stated. “It’s a chook that has been right here ceaselessly and an unimaginable wildlife that we have to shield and convey again.”

On the route of Mr. Justice, the state’s Division of Pure Sources is putting 10-week-old pen-raised birds at seven websites to reintroduce them in wildlife administration areas and a state forest.

Initially the birds will probably be positioned in packing containers they will exit on their very own to search out grain in a fenced-in enclosure to guard them from predators. Transmitters will probably be positioned on a number of the birds to watch their survival and habitat use.

Hunters who haven’t seen the northern bobwhite for years or heard its name, generally conveyed as “bob-white!” stated they’re hopeful.

“All of us keep in mind once we had quail,” stated Larry Case, a retired DNR officer who now writes about weapons and looking. Mr. Case stated one problem to the challenge is that the populations of predators for quail, from hawks to raccoons and opossums, have grown in West Virginia.


“I undoubtedly hope it really works. I’m an previous bird-dog man,” stated Mr. Case, who was reached Friday on a hilltop close to Richwood, W.Va. “I’m operating my canine and on the lookout for a spot to hunt, which is what I’m doing about half the time.”

The northern bobwhite, which has a speckled brown physique and brief grey tail, has been in steep decline within the U.S. and is now shedding half its inhabitants each seven years, stated John Morgan, director of the Nationwide Bobwhite & Grassland Initiative.


He stated the chook is a primary instance of a species that’s among the many three billion birds misplaced within the U.S. and Canada since 1970, in accordance with a 2019 examine by researchers on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The northern bobwhite continues to be present in good numbers in states equivalent to Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas, partly due to conservation efforts, he stated.

Mr. Morgan’s group, a partnership of state and federal businesses and nonprofits, is concentrated on restoring the chook’s habitat in 23 states. Northern bobwhite thrive in shrubby terrain that’s disappearing as using managed fires has declined and farms more and more depend on neat parcels of land to maximise acreage, he stated.

“The wants of the species are a complete mismatch with fashionable land use,” Mr. Morgan stated. “We’re attempting to alter that tradition by saying weeds are OK and blackberry bushes are good.”

Some conservation specialists have opposed releasing pen-raised birds, and a few previous efforts have failed. Researchers at Texas A&M College present in a examine that potential causes for brief survival amongst pen-raised bobwhites are that they’ve poor flying skills and aren’t adept at avoiding predators.

In West Virginia, a a lot smaller challenge a number of years in the past utilizing wild birds from different states didn’t succeed, Mr. Justice stated. He stated the present group of birds has been “flight conditioned” and is “the perfect of the perfect to duplicate wild birds.”


With the challenge’s value at lower than $5 a chook, the governor estimates the entire determine to be round $100,000. “It’s an affordable approach of reintroducing quail again into West Virginia,” he stated on the press briefing, the place his English bulldog, Babydog, sat on a chair beside him a cage that contained some birds.

Hunters and others who’ve startled a covey of northern bobwhite say it’s an unforgettable expertise.

“You actually are in the midst of this group of 15 birds which have exploded unexpectedly at your toes,” stated Mr. Morgan. “If it occurs to you, you keep in mind it for many years.”

Write to Kris Maher at kris.maher@wsj.com


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