Washington, D.C

DC pools offer a splashing good way to avoid the heat



WASHINGTON (DC News Now) — There was no shortage of people who took the plunge at the Ridge Road Pool to stay cool during the heat wave on Saturday.

Many families packed the pool often, and early, having no problem getting in the water. Not everyone could say that, however.

“It’s hot,” said Tia Benson, which also described her mood.

She and her family were among those who could not get in the outdoor pool, as supervisors had to limit entry once it reached capacity.


“it’s unfair that we can’t enjoy the water because they say it’s overcapacity when it’s not,” Benson said. “It’s enough for everybody to come and get wet.”

People found other ways to cool off with water even if they didn’t have a pool.

“We own about ten,” said Toussaint Burns, as he and his family bought another case of water. “We get a case every two days.”

It’s a scene that repeated itself around the District.

“Well, as long as you stay hydrated, you should be fine,” said Gabriel Williams, as he stocked his car with more water he received from work.


As for those who seek relief in the water, District outdoor pools are now open six days a week.

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