
Amazon HQ2 Delay Isn’t a Concern, Northern Virginia Officials Say



Officers in Northern Virginia largely performed down Inc.’s

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resolution to pause plans for a second part of its company campus in Arlington, Va., describing it as an comprehensible velocity bump on a venture already benefiting the native financial system.


“It actually doesn’t concern me. Actually, I’m fairly understanding,” mentioned

Christian Dorsey,

chair of the Arlington County Board, in a name with reporters. “I believe that we’re nonetheless going to see the entire advantages that we envisioned…It’s simply going to take a bit of longer to comprehend.”

The Seattle-based firm mentioned Friday it will quickly maintain off on transferring ahead with the second part of a company real-estate advanced close to Washington, D.C., that is named



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second headquarters. General, the venture is anticipated to price Amazon about $2.5 billion by way of 2030 and produce greater than 25,000 jobs to the area.

Beneath an incentive bundle used to draw Amazon to the area, the corporate over time might obtain as much as $750 million from Virginia if it creates sufficient high-paying jobs and as much as $23 million from Arlington County. A brand new $1 billion Virginia Tech graduate campus for laptop science and laptop engineering, being inbuilt close by Alexandria, was a part of the area’s successful bid for Amazon’s HQ2. 

Terry Clower, director of George Mason College’s Heart for Regional Evaluation, which wasn’t concerned within the bid to deliver Amazon to Northern Virginia, mentioned one specific energy of Virginia’s HQ2 settlement with Amazon is that it didn’t require the state or localities to offer upfront money to Amazon. As a substitute the corporate should hit sure targets. 

Particularly, Arlington County’s incentives to Amazon are tied to the corporate’s occupying a certain quantity of workplace sq. footage and to native lodge tax income hitting particular ranges, Mr. Dorsey mentioned. He mentioned Arlington County has but to pay the corporate any incentives.

Nor has Virginia paid Amazon any cash for job-linked incentives, although the corporate’s hiring is operating nicely forward of anticipated targets, mentioned Suzanne Clark, a spokeswoman for the Virginia Financial Growth Partnership, the state economic-development authority. Amazon has till April 1 to request its first fee for jobs created by way of 2022, placing the corporate on monitor to get its first state fee in mid-2026, she mentioned.

Mr. Dorsey and different officers pointed to Amazon’s sooner than deliberate hiring of 8,000 staff to this point as an indication that the venture is already paying dividends. They mentioned native residents and corporations would profit from a brand new Metro station set to open in Might and from the Virginia Tech Innovation Campus.

Virginia Tech mentioned an 11-story educational constructing is on monitor to open in fall 2024.


“It’s nonetheless right here, it’s nonetheless going to occur,” mentioned George Mason’s Mr. Clower. He mentioned the indefinite delay on the second part doesn’t cut back the worth of Amazon’s presence in Northern Virginia, a area that has attracted vital tech-sector employment lately.

Write to Scott Calvert at

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