North Carolina
North Carolina has a long ballot – spend some time schooling yourself • NC Newsline
If you’re one of the millions of North Carolinians who’ve yet to vote in this year’s election, there’s still ample time as early voting runs through this Saturday. Even if you still need to register, you can do so and vote
at the same time at any early voting site in your home county.
Those who wait till Election Day, must vote at their local precinct and already be registered.
Whenever you go, remember to bring a photo ID. The state Board of Elections website has information on how to get one for free if you don’t have one.
And here’s another thing to remember: the ballot this year is long. My Wake County ballot had 28 contests at the federal, state, and local levels.
And while you don’t have to vote in every race, you’re doing yourself and our community a disservice if you don’t. There’s a fine nonpartisan guide at that can get you up to speed.
The bottom line: Voting is a civic duty for all good citizens. Take a few minutes to prepare and to do your part.
For NC Newsline, I’m Rob Schofield.