
Mississippi Republicans embrace Donald Trump: no matter what



I have never seen a politician that has such loyalty with his base of supporters like Donald J. Trump, particularly among Mississippi Republicans.

The United States of America is the greatest country in the world. Yet, because Trump is now convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in a case related to hush money paid to an adult film star, according to Donald Trump and some Republicans, [we] Americans are now turning into a “fascist” country. I’m sure that is not true.

One thing is for sure: Mississippi Republicans clearly support and embrace Trump: No Matter What. To that end, I have never seen a politician that has such loyalty with his base of supporters like Donald J. Trump, particularly among Mississippi Republicans. And honestly, it’s very concerning and troubling.


Once upon a time in America, political leaders supported the rule of law irrespective of political beliefs or alliances — an authentic country first mentality. But, then came Trump — a recently convicted felon, 2024 presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States, and certified Mississippi “good ole boy” favorite.

I must admit: Trump is a smart man with an uncanny skill and ability to shape his own narrative in the media, effortlessly circumventing the legal, moral and political standard(s) of the times.

Republicans’ propensity to liken Trump’s trials and tribulations in comparison to Jesus Christ himself is also entertaining to dissect as a political connoisseur even in today’s political environment. But, as a Christian, it seems to be nothing short of a blasphemous declarative.

Sadly, Gov. Tate Reeves and the entire Missississippi GOP have bought into the Trump savior theme and are now selling Trump’s narrative at market value to all Mississippians who will listen.


What happened to the Republican Party being the party of law and order? What happened to Christian values in our politics? Is the answer Trump?

OK — it’s 2024 and I’ll give Republicans credit on the assignment of spin effort, but our criminal justice system literally just found Trump guilty on 34 Class E Felonies.

And, once announced, Mississippi Republicans quickly shunned the entire American idea of law and order for the sake of their savior: Trump.

Again, to be clear: Although somewhat complex and complicated, Trump was proven guilty by 12 of his peers.

Yet, representing a stunningly brazen example of complacency and a blatant effort to paint the Trump conviction as a sham trial, Republican leaders like Shad White, Michael Guest, Michael Watson, Reeves and Delbert Hosemann quickly cracked the whip at the entire American judicial system for convicting Trump.


Seriously, minutes after the Trump verdict announcement, Mississippi Republican leaders wasted no time dismissing the sanctity of our criminal justice system for the Make America Great Again Savior: Trump.

Why is that? Why does Trump have so much loyalty from Bible-thumping Mississippi conservatives?

Maybe the MS-GOP’s loyalty is concreted in something else. I’ll leave those unsaid points to your imagination. Bottom line: Trump was convicted of 34 felonies on May 30, 2024. The case wasn’t rigged, and it wasn’t handled at the prosecutorial direction of President Joe Biden. The legal system spoke, and justice prevailed.

Let’s be clear: The Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, who prosecuted the case against Trump, is an independent law enforcement elected official. He is not answerable to the Biden Administration or the New York Attorney General. Bragg is an elected official charged with prosecuting cases in the name of justice for the State of New York in the Manhattan District.

Yet, Trump and Mississippi Republicans believe a miscarriage of justice took place on May 30 when 12 jurors convicted him on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records — somehow all at the direction of the Biden Administration.


I do agree with Trump and Hosemann that Nov. 5 will be the real verdict, but it is sobering to know what our magnolia state leaders actually think in the wake of Trump’s felonious conviction.

In conclusion, Mississippi is a beautiful place stricken by a Republican governmental leadership that is undoubtedly loyal to Trump despite his conviction on 34 felony charges, a city slicker background and proven allegations of promiscuity and lack of character.

I honestly don’t know what Mississippi Republican leaders actually stand for today other than Trump. I sit and wonder what happened to Southern values? I wonder what happened to character standards in politics? I ponder what happened to honest Mississippi beliefs? And, if these are the real beliefs of our leaders being presented then we are in serious trouble.

Eighteen years ago, I started my career working for the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office under Democratic and Republican administrations. As a newly minted political science major from Jackson State University, working at 401 Mississippi Street directly across from the Mississippi State Capitol gave me a deeper, sincere respect for our state government, the rule of law and order, and an earnest pride and commitment to our state and country. Democrats and Republicans taught me these values.

To this day, I am forever grateful for this bipartisan mentorship, especially as I think about the leadership we need in Mississippi now more than ever.


In the final analysis, Mississippi Republican leaders stand in allegiance to Trump — no matter what. For this reason, I remain deeply concerned about the future of Mississippi and the general welfare of our residents.

 Shuwaski Young is a former Democrat Party candidate in statewide elections.

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