Miami, FL

Proposal for Miami-Dade County public buses raises concerns among riders



MIAMI – If budgets reflect values, people pushing for better transit think Metrobus riders should shift their focus to a series of meetings starting Thursday.

Miami-Dade County Commissioners will host a public hearing on the budget proposal for the 2024-25 fiscal year submitted by Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. 

Part of the plan moves $11.2 million away from the transit operations and maintenance budget. Nearly $11 million of those dollars, along with 36 jobs, would be absorbed by the county infrastructure department.

Mayor Levine Cava’s office did respond to emails or calls seeking comment. However, the mayor’s budget proposal said reorganizing bolsters “preventative maintenance functions.”


“What we’re concerned about with the budget is that we need more resources to address those concerns that the community has addressed to us directly,” Mark Merwitzer, Associate Director for Transit Alliance Miami, said.

The non-profit works to secure faster, more reliable transit. Over the last six months, as the county rolled out its “Better Bus Network,” which aims to deliver more routes to more people, Transit Alliance Miami surveyed 1000 passengers. On-time delivery is a problem for them, Merwitzer said.

“It’s not just with this administration, but it’s been suffering for very, very long for our bus passengers,” Merwitzer said. “Buses getting delayed equipment challenges; a lot of operators are calling out sick and also just in general when there’s a shortage of both buses, parts, and operators (demonstrates that) the county needs more.”

Ashley Betancourt lost her car in a crash two months ago. While she works downtown to earn and save money for repairs, the Miami-Dade College biology student dreaming of becoming a doctor depends on Metrobuses to carry her to class on time. She is 30 minutes too late too often, Betancourt said.

“It’s awful,” she said. “Sometimes my mom comes and picks me up. The other times I have to wait.”


Merwitzer encouraged riders who feel the same to share their concern during the Miami-Dade County Commission Public Budget Hearing Thursday.


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